It’s Halloween and chances are you are currently drowning in copious amounts of candy and sweets. You’ll need something to wash down the sugar, so why not stay in theme—with more sugar? We’ve got five Halloween spooky, scary but delicious drinks for you, perfect for anything from a spooky-themed bash to solitary “candy” binges. Each recipe yields 1 drink, but can easily be multiplied for a group.
The Blackout
This drink may be easy, but it sure is creepy. Apparently black vodka exists somewhere, but if you can’t find it, you can make a close enough version yourself by mixing together red and blue food coloring until it reaches a deep, dark purple that looks black.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 1
2 oz vodka
Orange, blue, and red food coloring
1/2 cup ginger ale
Black Twizzlers (for garnish)
1. To make the black vodka, begin by adding a drop of red and a drop of blue food coloring to the vodka, adding more blue if not dark enough.
2. Fill a separate glass half way with ginger ale, add in a drop of orange food coloring – for the sake of halloween colors.
3. Pour in the black vodka.
6. Garnish with a black Twizzler, if desired.

Photo by Katya Simkhovich
Swamp Juice
Halloween is all about candy, so why not put some candy in your drink? And while we’re at it, why not garnish it with more candy? Halloween is definitely not about healthfulness. If your candy cravings aren’t satisfied with Swedish fish swimming at the bottom of your glass, you can also stick a few fish on the end of a wooden skewer, adding a sugar pumpkin candy for a sustained sugar high.
Prep Time: 3 minutes
Servings: 1
1/2 cup ginger ale
2 0z vodka (a shot and a half)
1 drop each of green and blue food coloring
Swedish fish
Candy pumpkins
1. Fill a glass halfway with ginger ale.
2. Add shot of vodka.
3. Add drop of green and drop of blue food coloring.
4. Stir. Add enough swedish fish to cover the bottom of the glass.
5. Skewer a couple of swedish fish at the bottom and the candy at the top of a skewer.

Photo by Katya Simkhovich
“Healthy” Halloween
An oxymoron at its finest, this drink combines rum (or tequila works just as well) and green juice. In case you drank a few too many blackouts, the vitamins in this drink will help you feel a little bit better about yourself – it’s all about a balanced diet (between alcohol and greens) right? The rim is a matcha and green tea powder mixture, a little extra green to really drive the point home: this drink is green.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 1
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon Matcha green tea powder
1/3 bottle of any green smoothie drink
2 oz tequila or coconut rum
1. Mix together the sugar and matcha green tea powder on a plate wide enough to fit the top of your glass. Wet the rim of the glass with water and press the top into the plate of sugar, moving it around a pit to allow the sugar to stick to the sides (this will not work with a plastic cup, only glass)
2. Fill the glass half way with green smoothie.
3. Add rum or tequila, stir.
Classic Orange and Black
Have you ever wanted to make a screwdriver, but also feel like a cocktail master while you do it? Well this is your chance.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 1
1/2 cup orange juice
1 shot of black vodka (see Blackout at top of page for instructions)
1. Start by filling your cup ½ way with orange juice.
2. Angle a spoon upside down, and resting against the side of the glass. The convex part of the spoon should be facing up towards you.
3. Pour the black vodka slowly over the hump of the spoon. It should rest neatly on top of the orange juice. If this is unclear or not working, just watch this video. It’s really super cool looking and you will look like a cocktail master.

Photo by Katya Simkhovich

Photo by Katya Simkhovich

Photo by Katya Simkhovich

Photo by Katya Simkhovich
Kahlua Gun”shot”
This is by far the crème de la crème of Halloween drinks – loads of sugar, fairly alcoholic, and gruesome to boot. It will really look like your drink has been shot. This drink is the best of both worlds – it looks bloody, but it ultimately just tastes like ice cream and Kahlua.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 1
2 oz Kahlua
Ginger ale
1 scoop of vanilla ice cream
Red food coloring
1. Being by adding a generous amount of Kahlua to the bottom of your glass.
2. Add ginger ale up to midway up the glass.
3. Drop the scoop of ice cream into drink. It will fizz up a considerable amount, which is why it is important to leave some room.
4. Drop a few drops into the top of the drink, bloodying it as you see fit.

Photo by Katya Simkhovich

Photo by Katya Simkhovich

Photo by Katya Simkhovich