
Red Velvet Puppy Chow

A note to anyone who would like to be my valentine: puppy chow is one of my favorite childhood treats and will most likely make me fall in love with you. A note to anyone who would like to be my husband: red velvet cake is my ultimate treat. If someone of the opposite sex were to present me with anything that involved red velvet cake, there is a large chance I would draw a ring on my left ring finger with the red dye quicker than you can say, “This girl is insane.” Combine the two? My response would be too explicit to post on a school-sponsored site. Follow the recipe below and surprise someone you dig. Just don’t be shocked when they ask you what colors you want in your wedding. I’m thinking a spectrum of reds.

Adapted from Your Cup of Cake


Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes

5 cups Rice Chex cereal (or a similar variety)
3/4 cup white chocolate chips
1/4 cup chocolate chips, semisweet or milk
2 ounces (1/4 of a block) cream cheese, softened
1 1/2 tablespoon of milk
1 cup store-bought red velvet cake mix
1/2 cup powdered sugar
Valentine’s themed M&Ms (or other pink or red colored candies)

Photo by Devon Carlson

1. Place Rice Chex into large bowl.

Photo by Devon Carlson

2. Pour powdered sugar and red velvet cake mix in a Tupperware bowl with a lid (or plastic bag).

Photo by Devon Carlson

3. Melt chocolate chips for 1-2 minutes in the microwave and stir until smooth. Watch them carefully the entire time to make sure they do not burn. Take them out early if they have mostly melted.

Photo by Devon Carlson

4. Stir cream cheese and milk into the chocolate chip mixture.
5. Pour the chocolate mixture over the Rice Chex and mix until cereal is fully coated.

Photo by Devon Carlson

6. Place the coated Rice Chex into the bowl or plastic bag with the red velvet and powdered sugar mixture.
7. Shake, shake, shake!
8. Dump onto a cookie sheet to cool.

Photo by Devon Carlson

9. Mix with Valentine’s candies.

Photo by Devon Carlson

Tip: Store the puppy chow in the fridge whenever you’re not eating it to keep the cream cheese and milk fresh.