
How to Level Up Protein Powder: 3 Easy Recipes

Protein - it's essential for life and it doesn't just come from meat.  People often don't sufficiently incorporate protein in their diets, thinking that protein is only necessary for athletes or it can only be found in chicken breast. While eating protein is necessary, it also shouldn't feel like a chore. Here are three quick and easy plant based protein recipes that'll surely satisfy your craving for sweets.

1. Cookie Dough

Yes, cookie dough can be good for you. This simple protein recipe contains only a handful of ingredients, and it beats any prepackaged option you can find at the store. 


- Unsweetened or semi-sweet chocolate chips

- 2 tablespoons butter extract

- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

- 1 tablespoon coconut oil

- 6 tablespoons almond milk

- 2 cups oat flour                                                                   

- 7 scoops of vanilla protein powder

First, melt  coconut oil for about 25 to 30 seconds in the microwave. Next, mix all of the ingredients together. Depending on what kind of flour you use, you may find that you need to add more milk. Add chocolate chips to the mixture. This cookie dough can be eaten right away or placed in the fridge for 15 to 20 minutes for optimal taste. 

2. Baked Strawberry Oat Cobbler

Baked oatmeal has become one of my favorite breakfast prep recipes. The texture of the final product is so satisfying; its soft, cake-like texture is completely different from the typical microwaved version. It’s like having dessert for breakfast. This recipe is quick, easy, and most importantly, you can top it with whatever you'd like.


- 1 Banana

- 1 and 1/4 cup oat flour

- 2/3 cup almond milk 

- Handful of strawberries or any berry

- 1 tablespoon cinnamon

- 1 teaspoon baking soda

- 1 tablespoon brown sugar

- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

- 3 scoops of vanilla protein powder

First, stir together one cup of oat flour, one scoop of protein powder, cinnamon, and baking soda. Melt butter for 25 seconds in the microwave. Add the butter and dry ingredients into the wet ingredients and mix until combined. You should find that the mixture should be thick and not too runny. Finally, stir in blueberries and bake for 25 minutes at 400 degrees.

#SpoonTip: It may take more or less time to bake. Check to see that the top is browned or when sticking a fork in the middle, it comes out clean.

3. Chocolate Fudge Bar

Toss out those empty calorie snacks and make these chocolate fudge bars instead. These taste exactly like a normal bar but without any of the unnecessary ingredients.


- 2 tablespoons coconut oil

- 1 teaspoon vanilla

- 1/8 cup maple syrup

- 3 tablespoon peanut butter

- 1 cup oat flour

- 6 tablespoons almond milk

- 3 scoops protein powder

- Unsweetened or semi-sweet chocolate chips

Mix the dry ingredients together until combined. Add all the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients until the mixture achieves a firm yet pliable consistency. Press evenly into a pan and refrigerate for 15 to 20 seconds. Stir in coconut oil with chocolate chips and heat for approximately 45 seconds. Spread the melted chocolate across the top and refrigerate for 15 to 20 minutes—the more time in the fridge, the better. 

From baked oatmeal to cookie dough, these three simple recipes prove that protein can be a delicious and essential part of your diet.