The one thing that stays the same, whenever and wherever, is the Delhites’ love for ice-cream. Unlike the moody weather of the city, stopping by India Gate just for this frozen delicacy has always and will always be a beloved constant, and even tradition.
Recently, I discovered the easiest recipe for an unforgettable scoop of Oreo Ice-cream. Believe me, once you master this art, you will swear off of those supermarket bricks forever!

Oreo Cookie Flavoured Ice-Cream
Whip the cream with an electric beater until soft peaks begin to form.
Add the entire can of milkmaid to the peaked cream and mix gently.
Add the vanilla essence.
Smash the biscuits roughly into small pieces and add these to the mixture.
Pour the mixture into an ice-cream container and freeze it overnight. I’d say 6-8 hours should do the trick
And voila, enjoy your very own scoop of velvety, chocolate-y ice-cream right at home.
This recipe is inspired by Gemma Stafford. It is an easier rendition of her recipe. You can also stick to the original recipe and add cereals, fruits and nuts to add further flavour and great texture. No go ahead and enjoy your summer!