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Make this Easy Pâte de Fruit and Impress Everyone

Pâte de Fruit are brightly colored chewy treats made with—you guessed it—fruit. In France, they’re proudly displayed in the windows of confectioneries like shiny jewels. Here in America, they’re known as fruit jellies—so fancy right? These brightly colored fruit jellies will make everyone think you’re fancier than you really are.

The great thing about pâte de fruit is you can also infuse it with liquids. This opens up different possibilities. You could infuse it with alcohol, which for me means whiskey. Or, you can mix in tea or coffee to make your pâte de fruit caffeinated, which is so much more family friendly.

#SpoonTip: Replace your gelatin with pectin or agar in order to make this pâte de fruit recipe vegan.

Apricot-White Tea Pte de Fruit

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 45 minutesCook time: 24 minutesTotal time:1 hour 9 minutesServings:20 servings



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Previously Editorial Director for Virginia Tech, Susanna started cooking at the age of five and is willing to try everything and anything. Food expert-in-training, she takes every challenge in stride while her studio's kitchen has become an experimental lab in cooking as an adult in Manhattan.