You know the joy of eating a warm bowl of mac n’ cheese while snuggled in the warmest blanket? Remember the several cooking utensils requiring cleaning and surplus leftovers that you have to convince yourself not eat all at once? Yeah, the solution is finally here and I want to share it with you.
There is this great recipe for making single-serving mac n’ cheese. However, in attempt to make the recipe my own, I decided to add a few upgrades, including one of my favorite food groups: sriracha. Sriracha may not be an actual food group, but once you taste this mac n’ cheese recipe you will taste what I feel. Love.

Sriracha Mac N’ Cheese
Before starting on your cheese sauce, bring a pot of water to a boil. The instructions on the box of macaroni will have the exact time to cook the pasta.
Once the pasta is cooking, you can begin on the cheese sauce. Start by adding in your butter so it can melt. Slowly add in the flour until it creates a paste. Once most of the lumps are out, it is time to add in your milk.
The cheese should be added in off the heat of the stove. This is the fun part of the process as you can add as much cheese or sriracha you like. Add salt and pepper for taste.
After draining your cooked pasta, you can add the cheese sauce to the macaroni.
The final step adds a little flair. Add together a bit of butter, chives and crushed crackers. This step can be replaced with already made breadcrumbs. Place the breadcrumb mix on top and bake on 350°F until the top is slightly brown.