
What the Internet Says to Do With Your Leftover Halloween Candy

Whether you went trick-or-treating or shamelessly bought the industrial-sized Halloween candy bags currently on sale in grocery stores, it’s a week later and you’re probably wondering what to do with it all (besides lose sight of all your hopes and dreams in a bag of Reese’s).

There are bountiful amounts of recipes online that can display your fantastical skills of using orange Kit Kats and pumpkin-shaped Reese’s for baking, but to save you the immense trouble of searching online, I have composed a list of some of the best recipes you should try out (and share with me). You’re welcome.

Photo Courtesy of Just a Taste / Kelly Senyei

This recipe by Kelly Senyei (creator of Just A Taste) is a perfect way to throw all of your candy together into one big dessert. It’s easy to make, and most candy is useable (because most candy is meltable). Instead of taking a few weeks to eat all that leftover candy, now you can have a giant blondie bar to finish it up in a matter of an hour!

Photo Courtesy of Glorious Treats / Glory Albin

Glory Albin (creator of Glorious Treats) created this recipe for Better Homes and Gardens. This recipe is great for getting rid of those bags of pretzels that one mom on the block always has to give out to children. Instead of saving these pretzels for when you need to off-set the sugar you’re cramming down your throat, you can combine it with other treats like cookies and candy corn to create candy bark! It’s a simple recipe and should not take longer than 30 minutes if you really dedicate yourself to the cause.

Photo Courtesy of Diethood

This recipe (by Katerina, creator of Diethood) is probably my favorite of all possible leftover candy recipes. They look beyond adorable and are exactly what I look for in most food items – pie crust and chocolate. These only take 20 minutes to make and would be a great recipe to serve to guests who come by the days following Halloween. I would recommend putting mini-Reese’s in these bad boys. I would also recommend sending them to me if you take my first advice.

Photo Courtesy of Oh, Sweet Basil

Here’s my final recipe suggestion for all those whose mouths are watering like the Niagara Falls right now (or for those who are weeping as they clutch their empty candy wrappers). Carrian (creator of Oh, Sweet Basil) has provided this dim world with a beaming ray of light – Twix Carmelitas. She’s combined chocolate, caramel and their lovechild, Twix, to create this bar of melty amazingness. We should each take the time out to personally thank her for bringing this amount of gooey goodness to our lives.

Drooling for more? Check out these other candy-inspired recipes: