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How to Make Homemade Pickles Like the True Hipster You Are

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at New Paltz chapter.

I have always been a fan of pickles. They’re delicious, salty, and go perfectly with almost every kind of sandwich. I was curious, though. How hard could it be to make my own? That’s when I grabbed my biggest mason jar and went to Pinterest to see how possible it would be to make this small dream come true.

And I’m here to tell you, this dream was right within my grasp.



Refrigerator Garlic Dill Pickles

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 40 minutesTotal time: 40 minutes



  1. Photo by Sage Higgins

    Measure your water, vinegar, and salt into a three-quart sauce pan and set it over high heat. The salt should completely dissolve and the mixture should come to a boil.

  2. Photo by Sage Higgins

    Clean and cut the cukes.

    #SpoonTip: The smaller the cuke, the more that will fit into the jar.


  3. Photo by Sage Higgins

    On the bottom of each jar, put one large head of dill (or a few smaller ones) and one clove of garlic.

  4. Photo by Sage Higgins

    Fill each jar with cucumbers. Leave an inch of space between the cucumbers and the top of the jar so the brine can cover all the pickles.

    #SpoonTip: For spears, try and lay the jar on its side to fit all the spears into the jar.

  5. Photo by Sage Higgins

    Top the cukes with another clove of garlic, along with some more dill.


  6. Photo by Sage Higgins

    If you want more flavor, throw in the mustard seed, pepper flakes, and peppercorns.

  7. Photo by Sage Higgins

    Carefully fill each jar with the vinegar/salt/mixture. Make sure to cover all your cucumbers.

  8. Photo by Sage Higgins

    Screw the lids onto all the jars. Have the jars sit out for 2-3 days, then put the jars in the refrigerator for, at least, 2 weeks.

Sage Higgins

New Paltz '16

I'm a lover of all things food and how food has the power to bring people together.