Look, I love slutty desserts like the next person, but I also like gender equality.
For this recipe I wanted to combine my three favorite things: humor, dessert and feminism. C’mon, this is an act of feminism that I’m sure all your friends will want to get a piece of.
This recipe consists of two kinds of cookies, cheesecake, and is also really easy to make—even for an amateur baker. Also changing the usual “slutty” to “feminist” hopefully takes away the shame of having seconds. What’s wrong with wanting to eat it all? Feminism never tasted so good.
Now, time to get zesty about feminism. I am walnut, hear me roar!

Feminist Oreo Cheesecake Bars
Preheat the oven to 325FË, then grease the pan.
Feminism is a hot topic (yes, here we go)!
Press the cookie dough to the bottom of the pan.
Women knead equal rights.
Next, layer the Oreos on top of the cookie dough.
Pound the patriarchy!
In a mixing bowl beat the cream cheese, and then gradually add the other ingredients.
We need to get this (chocolate) chip off our shoulders!
Add the sugar and salt into the mixing bowl.
Donut marginalize!
Then, add the eggs.
Feminism is eggcelent!
Next add the vanilla extract.
We need dem equal rights doughhhhh.
Stir the cheesecake mixture until there are no clumps.
Stir up some issues about feminism.
Spread the cheesecake layer over the pan.
Don’t glaze over issues of gender.
Next top with crushed Oreo bits.
Women batter get equality!
Put the pan in the oven for 30-35 minutes. When that’s done, put the cheesecake in the fridge for 3 hours to become firm.
Eventually we realize that although we are different, we are all made up of the same goey mush inside.
Also, check out the original recipe