This smoothie is bomb, and very filling. I like to make it for breakfast or as a snack. The splash of cold brew coffee compliments the cacao beautifully, and really enhances the flavor of the smoothie as a whole. And your getting a little caffeine fix without having to drink a cup of coffee, which is a major plus.
It tastes like a milkshake, but it’s way better for you, because there are no refined sugars and there is no dairy. Of course, this smoothie is a blend of my favorite ingredients; chocolate deliciousness + banana creaminess + peanut butter protein = very happy tummies.
I like to peel green-ish bananas ahead of time and throw them into a freezer safe zip-bloc bag. Using frozen bananas gives the smoothie that creaminess we all love about milkshakes. You won’t have to use as much ice to make the smoothie cold, and too much ice will just make a smoothie watery anyways.
Raw organic cacao is a natural superfood that God sent from heaven. It’s antioxidant and iron levels are crazy high, it’s packed with magnesium that enables “your brain to work with laser-sharp clarity and focus,” it has more calcium than milk, and it seriously makes you happier and less depressed about school work. A little cacao boost sounds like an excellent way to start off the day.
I would suggest playing around with using coconut milk or almond milk, and see which one your tastebuds prefer. (Silk brand makes an unsweetened almond coconut milk blend that I absolutely love.)

Chocolate, Banana and Peanut Butter Smoothie
Break the banana into small chunks, and place all of the ingredients into a blender.
Blend until smooth. Sip, savor, and smile.