
Use Up Leftover Honeydew and Make Mojitos

Science has proven that both internships and summer school require you to drink more, and what could be better to help you misplace files or “do homework” by the pool than a frosty honeydew mojito? When you could be dartying, you don’t want to spend hours on prep. Lucky for you, these come together faster than you can grab a half-caf, no-foam soy latte for your boss. Bonus: they’re actually kind of nutritious. Juicy, potassium-rich honeydew combats dehydration and electrolyte loss, and the Vitamin C in lime juice fights stress.

Feel free to use any kind of rum to play with the flavors. I used plain Captain Morgan, but Malibu or Bacardi Dragon Berry would be equally delicious. For a non-alcoholic version, sub coconut water for the rum. Don’t know how to cut a melon without losing a finger? No worries—Martha’s got your back.

Blended Honeydew Mojitos


Prep time: 5 minutes, plus 3 hours minimum freeze time
Blend time: 2 minutes
Total time: 7 minutes, plus freeze time

Servings: 8

¼ honeydew melon, cubed and frozen (see link above for help on cutting the melon)
Leaves from 4-5 mint sprigs
1 can (12 fl. oz.) frozen limeade concentrate
12 fl. oz. rum (measure this by filling your empty limeade can)
4+ handfuls ice

Photo by Christin Urso


Photo by Christin Urso

1. Add all ingredients except ice to the blender in the order listed. Blend on low speed to get things going, then increase to high speed and blend for two minutes, or until everything looks nicely incorporated and there are no big chunks of mint. Add ice by the handful until you reach the desired texture.

Photo by Christin Urso

Feeling fancy? Chill your glasses before blending and garnish with a lime twist and mint sprig.

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