
Make These Game of Thrones Dragon Eggs and Be Your Own Khaleesi

If you’re a masochist who enjoys being forced to witness the ritual execution week after week of everyone you’ve come to know and love, chances are you’re a Game of Thrones fan. And if you’re someone who enjoys baking quirky yet delicious desserts, you’re probably hip to Spoon University. Much like Khal Drogo and Daenerys Targaryen, these two things at first don’t seem like a match made in the Seven Heavens. But we remember how that turned out (RIP, My Sun and Stars).

All men must die, but they’ve also gotta eat. Lucky for you, we’ve thrown together a recipe for Chocolate Dragon Eggs so scrumptious, you’ll be game to pour scalding, molten gold over your brother’s head, endlessly wander through the desert on horseback, and take a cat nap in an enormous fire just to get your hands on one. 

Game of Thrones Chocolate Dragon Eggs

  • Prep Time: 30 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 hours
  • Total Time: 10 hours 30 minutes
  • Servings: 5 dragon eggs
  • Medium
  • 5 chocolate eggs
  • 10 oz colored sugar paste
  • Water
  • Cocoa powder (optional)
  • Gold luster dust (optional)

Photo by Arden Sarner

Step 1

Hold a Dothraki wedding. Gather your white chocolate dragon eggs (or, using a mold, make your own).

GIF by Arden Sarner

Step 2

Add cornstarch to your tree stump. Roll out sugar paste thinly.

#SpoonTip: Sugar paste is also called ‘fondant.’

GIF by Arden Sarner

Step 3

Using a wide straw or the blade of your sword, cut out small circles from the sugar paste.

GIF by Arden Sarner

Step 4

Wet your eggs with water from the Narrow Sea, east of Westeros.

GIF by Arden Sarner

Step 5

Stick on your dragon egg scales. Be careful, they might be hot.

GIF by Arden Sarner

Step 6

Dry overnight as you dream of the Iron Throne.

GIF by Arden Sarner

Step 7

When your eggs are fully developed, wait for them to hatch. Then, beware: there’s a dragon in there.

GIF by Arden Sarner

Original recipe by Kirby Barth.

Dragon eggs not enough? Try these egg recipes: