
How to Make a Scrambled Pancake

Let me introduce you to the most unbelievably fluffy scrambled pancake called “Kaiserschmarrn,” translated from its roots as the “Emperor’s Mess.” This sweet treat is perfect to top off any traditional Austrian or German meal, or to start your weekend off, trust me you’ll get addicted.

This is a more complex batter than the typical Shake ‘N Pour Bisquick batter you might be used to, but also simple enough that you can change the recipe around to make them as healthy (or unhealthy) as you want. Feed a crowd or just yourself, no judgement.


Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes

Servings: 2

½ cup flour (options: white, whole wheat pastry, gluten-free buckwheat)
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ cup milk (sub almond milk for dairy-free)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 eggs
1 tablespoon brown sugar (sub coconut sugar for low-glycemic)
1 tablespoon butter (sub Earth Balance for dairy-free)
½ cup applesauce
1 tablespoon powdered sugar

Photo by Kristine Mahan


1. Separate egg yolk from whites. To the bowl with the egg yolks, add: milk, flour and baking powder. Whisk until smooth.

Photo by Kristine Mahan

2. With an electric mixer, whip egg whites and sugar until stiff but still glossy peaks form.

Photo by Kristine Mahan

3. Fold egg whites into the the bowl with the egg yolk mixture.

Photo by Kristine Mahan

4. In a small-medium frying pan, heat butter until it starts to bubble. Add half of your Kaiserschmarrn batter.

Photo by Kristine Mahan

5.  When you can peek under the cooked side, look for browning. Slide the pancake onto a separate plate.

Photo by Kristine Mahan

6. Put the empty frying pan over the top of the pancake and quickly flip so the plate is now on top and the raw pancake is back in the pan for the other side to cook.

Photo by Kristine Mahan

7.  As the other side begins to brown, start your “schmarrn” by cutting into quarters with a spatula. Keep tearing the pancake pieces with the spatula and smearing them in the pan until you have bite-size pieces and the pancake is cooked inside but not overdone.

Photo by Kristine Mahan

8.  Plate with powdered sugar and applesauce, guten Appetit!

Photo by Kristine Mahan

If you ever get to visit München, spend an evening at KAISERGARTEN where they are pros at this dish.

For more pancake fun: