Scientists at University of Reading have found that three glasses of champagne a week could help prevent Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia. We’ll cheers to that.
“The results were dramatic,” Professor Jeremy Spencer told the Mail on Sunday. “This research is exciting because it illustrates for the first time that moderate consumption of champagne has the potential to influence cognitive functioning such as memory.”

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How does everyone’s favorite bubbly save your future memory? Champagne contains a remarkable amount of phenolics, which are shown to improve spatial memory which deals with location information and recall.
The research paper says, “The compounds were found to favorably alter a number of proteins linked to the effective storage of memories in the brain.” As it turns out, “Champagne slows losses and therefore may help prevent the cognitive losses that occur during typical and atypical brain aging.”

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The champagne helps your brain keep its ability to effectively store memories in your brain as you age. Pretty cool, right?
But, before you pop a bottle open and chug it, keep in mind that a spokesman for the Alzheimer’s Society told the Standard that though the results were interesting, a lot more research needed to be done and that this study stresses moderation, namely three glasses per week.