
Change the Leftover Game With These Cheese Stuffed Potato Pancakes

It's snowing in Charlotte today, and since we're stuck inside with nothing else to do, my mom and I wanted to make something warm and hearty for breakfast. The leftover mashed potatoes sitting in our fridge were calling our names, but in the interest of creating something more interesting out of them, we began brainstorming. My mom brought up an old recipe of our cousin's called Two Timers, and we adapted it based on what we had in the fridge. You could also change up the ingredients you put in these potato pancakes, and they'd pretty much always be delicious either way. Not much is better than fried potatoes and cheese on a cold winter day.

Cheese Stuffed Potato Pancakes

  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Cook Time: 15 mins
  • Total Time: 20 mins
  • Servings: 4
  • 5-6 cups leftover mashed potatoes
  • 10-12 slices cheese
  • Flour
  • Butter and oil to grease the pan
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Chives

Kristen Kornbluth

Step 1

Assemble your materials. Put some flour on the plate to toss the potato pancakes in after they are formed, and get the types of cheese you want (we used cheddar and brie).

Kristen Kornbluth

Step 2

Form your pancakes and coat them in flour on each side, shaking off the excess.

Kristen Kornbluth

Step 3

Toss them in your greased, heated pan and sprinkle on some salt and pepper. Flip after about 5-7 minutes, or whenever they look and smell ready.

Kristen Kornbluth

Step 4

Continue to cook them on the other side. Put some salt and pepper on the other side and cook for about 5-7 more minutes, or until golden brown to your liking.

Kristen Kornbluth

Step 5

Garnish with some chives and serve immediately; they're best hot. You could try topping them with sour cream and hot sauce as well.

Kristen Kornbluth

Next time you find yourself with leftover mashed potatoes, don't just heat them up in the microwave (they're never as good that way, anyway). Instead, repurpose them into these bundles of joy and bless the whole fam.