Nothing screams Halloween more than candy apples and classic, childhood Halloween movies. Every year, Disney Channel releases the lineup of Monstober movies, and you can’t deny that no matter how old you get, you can’t stop watching them.
It isn’t a true Halloween experience unless there is some type of candy involved. Inspired by some of the most infamous Halloween movies, these four decadent and easy-to-make caramel apples will take you back to the good ole days.
1. “Hocus Pocus“
“Hocus Pocus” turns this apple into a witches brew. This booze-infused caramel apple takes candy apples to the next level. All you need is caramel, Trix cereal, pretzels, sour gummy worms, and Angry Orchard hard cider to concoct the best tasting potion.

Witches “Brews” Caramel Apple
Using a serrated knife, cut a medium-sized opening in the top of the apple. Be careful not to cut right through, as this will act as your cup for the cider. In a bowl, heat the Rolos in the microwave for 30 to 35 seconds.
Dip the apple into the melted Rolos or spread it using a knife.
Decorate with pretzels, Trix, gummy worms, and lollipops, then pour the Angry Orchard cider into the apple. Bottoms up.
2. “The Addams Family“
They’re creepy and they’re kooky, this apple’s really spooky–the Addams family. Badadadump *snap snap.* Just like the Addams family, this apple isn’t too appealing on the the outside, but one bite into this chocolate-covered almond, Oreo, and peanut butter apple and you’ll be hooked.

Addams Apple
Break the chopsticks in half and poke one through the center of the apple. Using a big spoon, scoop out the peanut butter and smooth it around the apple, covering the whole thing.
Pour the crushed up Oreos into a bowl and roll the apple around. It should start to look gothic like Morticia Addams.
Top the apple with the chocolate-covered almond halves and devour.
3. “Casper the Friendly Ghost”
Casper the friendly ghost, the friendliest ghost you know. This marshmallow, Oreo, Skinny Pop Popcorn, caramel-covered apple will satisfy your salty and sweet desires.

Casper the Not-So-Friendly-For-You Ghost Apple
Break the chopstick in half and put one half through the middle of the apple. In a microwave-safe bowl, microwave the Rolos.
Spread the melted Rolos on the apple and while you wait for it to dry, microwave the marshmallows until melted.
#SpoonTip: Marshmallows do not need that much time in the microwave, nuke them for only 15 seconds.
Spread the marshmallows all over the apple, and top it off with some popcorn and Oreos.
4. “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”
While Linus waits for the great pumpkin, try biting into this great “pumpkin.” Smothered in Butterfingers, pumpkin seeds, and peanuts, this apple will satisfy the whole gallery’s cravings.

The Linus Special
Break the chopstick in half and poke a hole through the center of the apple. Microwave the Rolos for 30 to 35 seconds, give it a stir, and cover the apple in chocolate caramel.
Dip and smother the apple in Butterfingers (the more the better). Add some pumpkin and peanuts.
Finish it off with a drizzle of honey.
These salty and sweet (and slightly nutritious) treats should keep your energy high and your stomachs full this Halloween. Four things to remember: creep it real, eat, drink, and be scary. Let this Halloween be the best type of high–sugar high.