When I found canned tuna in my pantry, I wasn’t really sure what to do. It’s one of those foods that just tastes salty and bland; there’s really not much to it, and it looks like cat food. So, I left it there until I decided to make myself a tuna salad, minus mayo.
I promise it doesn’t taste fishy at all. It’s more like an avocado salad that makes use of canned tuna sitting in your apartment and doesn’t even require a bowl.

Tuna Salad
Cut the avocado in half and take out the pit. Then, use a spoon to carve out most of the avocado meat and save it. This will serve as your bowl.
Cut the apple into bite-sized pieces. Youâll need about 2 tablespoons.
Fill the avocado bowl halfway with tuna.
#SpoonTip: Drain the oil first so you donât get an oily tuna salad.
Add in chopped apples.
Add the carved out avocado meat back in. Mix well.
#SpoonTip: Season with freshly ground pepper for an added kick.