Don’t think bagels can be made from scratch at home? Wrong! Impress your friends and family with your bagel-making skills. Here’s an easy recipe to get you started.
Prep Time: 25 minutes + 1 hour rise time
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Total Time: ~2 hours
Servings: 8
1 1/4 cups warm water
4 1/2 cups flour
3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons oil
1 tablespoon instant yeast or 1 1/2 tablespoons active dry yeast
Honey (optional)
1. Combine the warm water, flour, sugar, salt, oil and yeast in a bowl using a wooden spoon. If you have a stand mixer, add ingredients to the stand mixer’s bowl and use the paddle attachment to stir until just combined.

Photo by Laura Lim
1a. If you don’t have instant yeast (it usually comes in a packet), then first activate your active dry yeast by putting the yeast, sugar and water in a bowl and let it sit for about 10 minutes or until it gets frothy on top. Add this to the rest of the dry ingredients.

Photo by Laura Lim
2. Prepare to knead the dough by hand or stand mixer.
2a. By hand: clean the kitchen surface you will be kneading on. Lightly flour the surface and your hands. Gather the mixture into a ball. Begin by pushing the dough away from you and then gather it back towards you. (Watch this video on kneading if you aren’t sure you’re doing it correctly.) Add flour or water if necessary until the dough is stretchy but not too sticky. Continue kneading for about 10 minutes, until the dough is smooth and elastic. (This can be tiring so it’s nice to have a friend there to help you out!)

Photo by Laura Lim
2b. By stand mixer: attach the dough hook. Knead on medium-slow speed for about 8 minutes, until the dough is smooth and elastic.

Photo by Laura Lim
3. Lightly oil a large bowl. Transfer the dough to the oiled bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Let rise for at least 1-2 hours.

Photo by Laura Lim
4. After the dough rises, punch it down in the bowl. Divide the dough into roughly eight pieces. Roll each piece into a sausage shape and then attach the ends to form a circle.

Photo by Laura Lim

Photo by Laura Lim

Photo by Laura Lim
5. Preheat the oven to 475°F.
6. Bring a saucepan full of water to boil. Add a few tablespoons of honey to the water (optional).
7. Prepare the toppings! Shred cheese, line plates with poppy seeds and sesame seeds, get your garlic powder out etc. This part is up to you, depending on what kind of bagels you want.

Photo by Laura Lim

Photo by Laura Lim
8. Boil bagels one or two at a time, until they rise to the surface of the water.

Photo by Laura Lim
9. Carefully fish the bagels out and place on a cooling rack for about 30 seconds until they are cool enough to handle.
10. Prepare a baking sheet with a piece of parchment paper.
11. Add toppings. If you’re topping with seeds, it’s best to do this when the top of the bagels are still a little wet so that the seeds stick. If you’re topping with cheese, place the bagel on the parchment paper-lined baking sheet and then pile with cheese.

Photo by Laura Lim

Photo by Laura Lim

Photo by Laura Lim
12. Bake for about 15-20 minutes or until the bagels are browned on top.

Photo by Laura Lim
13. Let cool and add your favorite spreads and fillings! Yum.

Fancy bagel | Photo by Laura Lim
Ideas for spreads and fillings:
Veggie bagel: cream cheese or chèvre (goat cheese) with tomato, cucumber and sprouts
Fancy bagel: beet hummus, arugula, salami and swiss cheese
Inspired by: Real Homemade Bagels
More good stuff here:
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- Fried Pickles
- Baking Bad: Bacon Cheese Scones
- Mini Bagel Breakfast Sliders