
7 Easy Airplane Snacks: Never Fly With An Empty Stomach

With the holidays around the corner, traveling is on many of our minds. Going on vacation is the best but getting there is sometimes a struggle. Here are some of my favorite foods to eat on a plane because you should never fly with an empty stomach.

SpoonTip: Make sure to know the TSA restrictions before packing food for travel.

1. Chocolate Covered Pretzels

Chocolate covered pretzels are the best mix of sweet and salty. They are the perfect treat during a long plane ride. You can even store some in a ziplock bag.

SpoonTip: Put a bag of chocolate covered pretzels in the freezer the night before your flight and they will be nice and cold just in time for take off.

2. GoGo Squeez Apple Sauce

GoGo Squeeze Apple Sauces are the perfect size and perfect snack to bring on an airplane. This snack is much healthier to eat than a bags of chips, per say. 

3. Apples

Apples are my absolute favorite snack and they are perfect to bring on a plane. Personally, I like to bring a whole apple in a ziplock that way I can easily discard the seeds after finishing the apple. If you'd like, you can buy store bought pre-sliced apples so all you have to do is toss a bag into your carry-on before the airport.

4. Skinny Pop  

For some weird reason I really don't like popcorn, but I make an exception for Skinny Pop. Skinny Pop is seriously addicting. Every time I buy the small bags, I always end up eating crazy amounts of them. If you don't want to buy individual bags, you can just buy the big one and put handfuls of Skinny Pop into the bag.

5. Swedish Fish

Swedish Fish are my weakness. I love them way too much. They are the absolute perfect treat to take on a plane. The fish even come in mini sizes, which taste so much better to me.

6. Protein Bars

Z Bars are my new favorite protein bar. I recently began having the bars for breakfast because they are so delicious (and gluten free). They come in so many different flavors but be cognizant about what flavor you bring because so many people are allergic to nuts.

7. Boxed Candy 

Boxed candy, or as I like to call it, movie theater candy, is prepackaged candy that will not spill in your bag (that's the worst). You can go to any drug store and they should have a wide selection of candy.

Traveling is so much fun and having a wide variety of food on the plane is even better! These easy snacks are simple enough to prepare the night before your flight. Don't forget your reusable water bottle, gum and a pair of headphones and remember to never fly with an empty stomach! 

Bon Voyage, safe travels!