
Spending my winter break in Florence, Italy

Why winter break in Florence

Summertime in Italy was great this year. I had the chance to visit lots of places, meet new people, and eat a good amount of delicious food. Born and raised in Florence, I've always spent winter break at home, especially Christmas Day. Since last year I spent my winter break in New York, this time I decided to spend my last days of 2017 and the beginning of 2018 in my hometown. As an enthusiast foodie, I'm planning to do all the activities listed below. Can't wait to cross them out from my bucket list!

Colazione at Le Giubbe Rosse

When they say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day I always nod and confirm that. Breakfast is an essential meal because it's the one that gives your body the necessary energy to use throughout the day.

Le Giubbe Rosse is a historical cafè located in the centre of Florence. Here, poets, writers, and artists used to come, and nowadays is still one of the fanciest places to sit and enjoy some coffee. 

What I'm planning: Have a hot beverage and a sweet treat for sure!

Hot Chocolate: Italian brands

Despite the love and hate relationship I've got with Starbucks, I believe that European countries are the best for hot chocolate, especially Switzerland, Italy and France. Usually, hot chocolate in these countries has a thicker density and stronger scent. It is also served along with biscuits and/or a variety of sweets.

What I'm planning: Try out as many different hot chocolate Italian brands during my stay!

Pranzo da Il Barrino

Many of us have a favourite restaurant, cafè or bar where we come from. One of my dearest place to eat in Florence is Il Barrino, a restaurant mostly specialized in Tuscan cuisine. In this cozy and nicely put restaurant customers have the chance to try inviting pasta bowls with tasty sauces and flavoursome typical Italian desserts.

What I'm planning: Eat lunch (pranzo) there, along with some pasta and a well-deserved dessert!

Sweets at Rivoire

Rivoire is a unique cafè located in front of Palazzo Vecchio, one of the most well-known and beautiful places in Florence. The cafè is mostly famous for its picturesque location and its fancy indoor space. Their specialities include chocolate, pastries, and a variety of assorted sweets.

What I'm planning: Another hot beverage in a super-classy cafè, because why not?

Cenare da Il Vecchio e il Mare

You know when you scroll down on your Instagram feed and see all of your friends going multiple times to a place you never went to? That happened to me, and now I am so curious to go to Il Vecchio e il Mare.

From what I've been told and read, their cooking is mostly known for their delightful big pizzas and fresh seafood. 

What I'm planning: Dine in (cenare) with a scrumptious pizza and try some good seafood as well!

What am I waiting for?

All these places and foods are on my bucket list. It's time to scratch them off and enjoy them in the best way as possible. I'm sure it will be an interesting and exquisite winter break this upcoming one!