
5 Reasons Every Beer Lover Should Take a Trip to Vermont

This fall, when it was that infamous first weekend in October, I knew what was happening across the pond in Munich at Oktoberfest (the real one). Seeing Snapchat stories and Instagram posts of people who were abroad and had the chance to go, to say the least, gave me some FOMO.

Since this is pretty much any beer drinker's dream and we can't all just hop on a place to Germany (Epcot doesn't always do it), there is an alternative. In addition to Germany, there is a domestic place with a ton of breweries with famous beers: Vermont! Otherwise known as the Green Mountain State. 

Although it's hard to believe that a state with a population of less than one million would be such a hub for breweries, there are an abundance of them. Each one unique and its own experience, so I broke down a few of them.

Magic Hat Brewery - South Burlington, Vermont 

If you ever find yourself up in Northern Vermont on Lake Champlain, hit up the Magic Hat Brewery. This is one of the more low key breweries on this list, but let me tell you, it's so good. Also, one major perk: they give free tours! Afterwards, hit up the Growler Bar and enjoy a pint... or three. 

Long Trail Brewing - Bridgewater Centers, Vermont

Now Long Trail is not as much fun to visit as the Magic Hat Brewery but is still a great place to go while checking breweries off the list. In addition, this brewery has an incredible restaurant and every item pairs perfectly with the array of beers and beverages offered. 

Otter Creek Brewing - Middelbury, VT

Come take a look at the 30,000 barrels that fill the brewery and show them some support because the vibe is calming and makes you feel like you're, as they say, "back to the time when acid wash jeans were hip." Not to mention, this is located in the small town of Middlebury, Vermont, which is the essence of anyone's vision of a small town.

Zero Gravity Craft Brewery - Burlington, Vermont 

This is another one in Burlington so be sure to make a stop their on your next trip to Vermont. Since UVM is located here too, the abundance of breweries is not a surprise. So kick back, relax, and pretend you're back in college (@parents). After spending some time at this one, you'll feel like you're in a zero gravity chamber. 

Harpoon Brewery - Windsor, Vermont

Now, there's also one in Boston, but come on, the real part of the experience is in Windsor—a tiny town with the world's largest covered bridge! Now this is one of the more known breweries on the list and the food is incredible. Although I'm sorry to our wine lovers, there is none on the bar menu. You might have to resort to some cider and this isn't the kind that you get at the farmer market. To say the least, there's a bit more of a kick to it. 

So hopefully after reading this article you'll feel a little better about not being able to hop on a plane to Germany. Just take a trip to the great state of Vermont and travel up from Windsor to Burlington and have an experience that will rival your friend's who are abroad during Oktoberfest.