
7 Items You Never Knew You Could Buy at MacCracken Market

It’s 10 pm and you’ve been up studying for ages and all of the sudden, you’re ravenous. There aren’t that many nearby places that you feel like walking to on a Tuesday night, but never fear: MacCracken has your back.

We have been blessed here at Miami to have the most well endowed marketplace on campus open until 11 pm. From Easy Mac to shampoo to that cold medicine your Mom told you to buy, MackCracken has it all.

However, I’m sure that on your quest to get whatever snack you’re craving right then you missed a couple gems that the market stocks on its numerous shelves. This is a list of the top seven coolest, weirdest, (probably) most overlooked things that I could find.

1. Aromatherapy Bath Products

 When you’ve had a rough day and are looking for just the right “treat-yo-self” item, look no further than the end of the cold medicine aisle. Located on a pop-up shelf next to the bath products, MacCracken carries a surprising array of locally made spa items.

There’s “bathtub tea” for those lucky enough to have an apartment, and then for us dorm-dwellers, there are things to put on the shower drain that will make the entire bathroom smell like heaven. Go out and buy some of these immediately: your fellow bathroom users will thank you for it.

2. The Most Impressive Variety of Ben and Jerry's I've Ever Seen

This is probably a little better known than most of the items on the list. Being a self-proclaimed ice cream afficianado, I can honestly say this is the most comprehensive selection of Ben & Jerry’s pints I’ve ever seen.

MacCracken really hit the ball out of the park with this one; what product do stressed college kids love more than some good ol’ fashioned sinfully delicious ice cream? They carry an impressive array of both full dairy and dairy-free pints, and also have earned my love and respect. 

3. Papayas

Now, maybe I’m just a weirdo and this a normal college food item—but never in my life have I ever been sitting in my dorm and just think to myself “Hey, I’m going to go buy an entire papaya and eat that."

Not only are papayas weirdly giant, they seem incredibly difficult to cut and eat and I can’t even imagine trying to deal with one in the tiny shared dorm kitchen. I’m not sure that the grocery store in my home town even carries papayas.

If I wasn’t impressed before, this one really convinced me that MacCracken market is committed to pleasing every kind of customer possible.

4. Vegan and Gluten-Free Baked Goods

This one could be considered more of a normal grocery store item, but can we just take a moment for that bunny on the packaging? So wholesome and adorable.

I want to eat these on Sundays after a long night out and feel pure and whole again. Major shoutout to MacCracken for buying from local bakeries and catering to gluten-free and vegan crowd.

The temptation was strong for me to try these, however, I am not a vegan and thus will be consuming the less mindful variety of bakery items. I care about animals, I really do. Just not enough to give up my beloved full dairy, full gluten bakeries. 

5. Fancy Italian Snacks

You can’t tell me that you wouldn’t feel like a classy Italian b*tch while eating this prosciutto-wrapped mozzarella. This is a great snack for those decadent wine nights spent in, or for your average romantic picnic on a hilltop.

Just the right touch of class, and apparently 9 g of protein to make sure you get in your macros. What could be better?

6. Fancy Chocolates

This might be the one I’m most excited about. Nothing in the world is better to me than some good chocolate decadence from a legit chocolatier. When I saw this shelf, it took a massive amount of self control to not lose my sh*t.

Bless MacCracken for stocking this shelf. Bless them for feeding my chocolate addiction and giving me light even on the darkest of days. Chocolate heals all wounds, and at MacCracken Market, they are more than well equipped to soothe your soul. Who even needs Ghiradelli?

(Actually me. I need Ghiradelli. Just give me all of the chocolate, honestly.)  

7. Squid

I don’t think the girl stocking the shelf could even judge me for taking a picture of this one. I looked at the ingredients and it is actual squid. In a bag. With a picture of a happy little guy with a beer on the front? I don’t know. There are so many things about this product that just have me so confused. Why the cute pink label? I just have so many questions. 

MacCracken Market is a place where dreams come true. They have everything you could possibly need, and then even more than that. From your favorite snacks to things that give you chills when you think about people eating them, they’ve got something for everyone. Keep doing yo' thing MacCracken, the students here at Miami appreciate you and all that you do.