
Five Foods That Are Better In Canada Than In The United States

Unlike most other spring breakers, I recently found myself north of the border for spring break. As a first-timer in Canada, I was pleasantly surprised when I found some foods that are better in Canada than in the United States whilst browsing the aisles of a Canadian supermarket.

Disclaimer: Yes, most of these foods live up to the Canadian stereotypes, and no, I unfortunately did not hear anyone say "eh" for the entire duration of my trip.

1. Bagged Milk

I was so surprised (and quite honestly, a little bit freaked out) when the dairy section of the Canadian supermarket didn't have plastic gallons or cardboard cartons of milk. Instead, Canadians drink their milk out of plastic bags

Yes, it seems super weird. But, you buy the bag of milk, place it into a reusable plastic pitcher (like the ones you would use for your lemonade stands as a child), cut a hole in the bag, and pour! The thinner plastic used in the bags is much more environmentally friendly than our American plastic jugs. 

2. Poutine 

French fries are a vital part of my food consumption. It's important for them to be crispy, golden, and perfectly salted. You would think that smothering french fries in gravy and topping them with dense cheese curds would make your fries soggy, but no.

Canadians have mastered the perfect ratio of crispy fry to flavorful gravy and creamy cheese curds to create this beautiful work of art. Quite frankly, my one regret on this trip was that I didn't eat enough of it.

You may be thinking, "Oh those are just french fries with gravy" or "Aren't those disco fries?" No. Poutine, of course, is just another one of those foods that are better in Canada.

#SpoonTip: Canadians have created a bunch of crazy combinations of poutine that break down the borders of what you thought poutine was supposed to be. Fray from the classic, and try some of these options.

3. Potato Chips

Even though potato chips didn't originate in Canada, Canadians have really put a big effort into concocting some pretty interesting flavor combinations. By far, the most popular is "All Dressed" (basically the everything bagel of the potato chip world: tomato, salt, vinegar, onion, sour cream, barbecue, and other seasonings) but you can also find Poutine flavored chips, or even flame grilled cheeseburger. 

Since I had a short stay, I only tried one flavor, in honor of my favorite appetizer: Mozzarella n' Marinara

Honestly, I've been back at school for two weeks and I still cannot figure out how I truly feel about these chips. They do genuinely taste like marinara sauce (the mozzarella flavor is lacking) but I cannot figure out if marinara sauce is a good condiment for a potato chip. Though, I ate the whole bag so they couldn't have been too bad.

4. Bagels 

I am one of those proud New Yorkers that genuinely believe New York is the best place on Earth and the best pizza and bagels can only be found in New York:

So, I saw through everyone's lies when people kept telling me how great Montreal's bagels are (spoiler: I was right.) I went out on a hunt to find a Montreal-native and had him answer the eternal question: which bagel is better – St. Viateur or Fairmount?

Fairmont won. The next morning, I found myself walking into the landmark bagel shop, instantly wafting the familiar smell of fresh bagels into my nose.

The verdict? Montreal's bagels are much, much smaller than anything you'd find in New York. Plus, they're less dense and a lot more sweet, but that is to be expected. 

In comparison to New York bagels, Montreal does not even compare. But, if you are in any of the remaining 49 states (yes, even you, New Jersey), then Canada's got you beat on this one. Fairmount served up freshly made bagels at a cheap price with fast service, and what more could you ask for? 

#SpoonTip: Fairmount has pre-packaged bags of bagels that you can take home. Buy some, freeze them, and then thaw and toast when you need, and it's like Montreal is right in your backyard.

5. Maple Syrup 

Ah, yes. The largest Canadian stereotype is true: Canadians love their maple syrup. You won't find a bottle of Aunt Jemima or Mrs. Butterworth's for miles once you cross the border. Canadian maple syrup also frequently comes in cans or maple leaf-shaped glass bottles, rather than plastic bottles, to satisfy all of your pancake needs.

And, they don't stop there. You can find maple candies at pretty much any store you enter, maple desserts, or even maple snow

Although America may have taken the L on these five foods that are better in Canada, at least we still do one thing right: bacon.