
Download Tapingo to Change the Way You Eat on Campus

For busy college students, waiting in line for food at dining halls can be very time consuming. Grabbing a bite between classes shouldn't have to be an event. Students should be able to eat what they want rather than let the shortest line influence their decision. At Virginia Tech, Turner Place is usually packed during the day since it has delicious options on the academic side of campus. Tapingo takes the Hokie dining experience to the next level.

It's Easy!

1. Just go to the app store and download Tapingo for free

2. Simply create an account

3. Add your Hokie Passport as payment method

4.  See what food you're in the mood for

5. Place and track your order

6. You'll be notified when your food is ready

7. Skip the line and be on time to class on a full stomach

Tapingo understands how busy students are and the app revolutionizes the Hokie dining experience. Now Hokies can fuel their bodies in a more timely manner. By using Tapingo, users can expect the expected. Download Tapingo now to wait less and live more!