
How Burger King at Select Citywalk Celebrated Christmas

While we all are busy soothing the Christmas withdrawal symptoms, here's a little look back on how one of our favorite foodie brand: Burger King celebrated Christmas in a very meaningful manner. 

A Christmas event to remember:

People at Burger King, Select Citywalk (which also happens to be the first Burger King outlet in town) arranged a three-day treat for all their customers in the form of an event consisting of musical entertainment, carols, and hourly magic shows. Burger King's very own Santa made an appearance giving away gifts to the children which added to the experience for the young ones. All this made the Christmas celebrations more enjoyable. 

Carrying its promise to bring the best burger in the town, they also offered a special meal package for the customers. This celebration was also continued at their Nehru Place outlet for two days.

A meaningful celebration: 

In their initiative to spread the warmth that Christmas brings along, they also organized a "Dine with Santa" event for underprivileged kids from Catalyst India Charitable Trust. The initiative gave the kids an opportunity to truly enjoy Christmas while enjoying the scrumptious burgers and also performing for the crowd. Talking about the celebration Cicily Thomas, Vice President, Operations and Brand Standards, Burger King said, "The whole idea of this Celebration is to let people enjoy their own way of Christmas Celebration. With this, Burger King also got the opportunity to play Santa this Christmas for NGO Kids & spread the joy of giving."

We really appreciate Burger King's efforts in giving back to society and are happy to see how not only their customers but also some lesser fortunate kids had a more joyous Christmas because of it.