
The Best Coffee Shops at UGA for Studying

I don't want to sound pretentious, but I KNOW coffeeshops.  Especially the coffeeshops surrounding UGA.  I am at any given one in Athens at least 2-3 times a week, and I basically live at them during exam week.  For the past two summers I even worked at one back in my hometown of Charleston, SC.  Some people can't study in coffeeshops (which I inherently do not understand; they are so peaceful!) but I am infinitely more productive with a good cup of coffee in my hand, surrounded by a lovely and unique design aesthetic.

So here we go, my definitive list of the best coffeeshops in Athens for studying - told from a former barista and self-proclaimed coffee aficionado.

Donderos' Kitchen

This lil place located at the end of Milledge Avenue takes residence in what used to be an old house.  I like it for many reasons, but the cozy, warm, home-away-from-home vibe is one of the main ones.  They have a case full of yummy sweet study snacks (my favorite is the banana walnut bread) and short but sweet breakfast and lunch menus (psst, get a grit boat).  Bonus, you can refill your coffee as many times as you'd like for a small upcharge.

Walker's Coffee Shop and Pub

You might only know this place for its night reputation, but during the day (and well into the night) it is a great hole-in-the-wall study location, especially if your classes are around North Campus.  Coffee refills are a flat $1, and they have a Dancing Goats blend, which has notes of caramel without being too mild. Many a day and night I have spent snuggled up in one of their booths to finish a paper or a coding program.

Big City Bread Cafe

Known mostly for their mind-blowingly delicious food, Big City is also a very charming study spot. Whether you sit outside in their incandescently-lit courtyard or at the back bar or at a table/in a booth, you are sure to get your work done, thanks to the white noise of other customers and the delicious coffee and edibles.  The good thing about Big City, that I can't necessarily say about other coffeeshops, is that there is almost always somewhere to sit because it is such a large space. Open at 6 a.m., it is also a great place to go if you have a LOT of things to do that need doing the day of (*nudges all friends with Olympic medals in procrastination*).


The newest of the coffeeshops on this list, this garage-turned-study location is not only bursting with natural light, but also filled with modernistic and minimalistic decor that is sure to please even the most aloof of hipsters.  It is, however, a 5-10 minute drive from campus, so I would suggest posting up here only when you can do so for a long period of time, in order to make the drive worth it. Being the quietest of the locations I have named, I'm decently sure people only go here to study.  I recommend getting a vanilla cappuccino with oat milk, and if hunger strikes, get one of their delicious-looking baguette sandwiches, such as granny smith and brie with arugula.

Jittery Joes at Five Points

I'm not usually a proponent of Jittery Joes due to my inherent dislike for chain coffeeshops, but I am a sucker for a good buy-eight-coffees-get-one-free stamp card. Located behind Athens Running Co. at Five Points, this Jittery Joes has a wall full of old, classic books for sale for low prices, which gives it an antique bookstore vibe. For a unique, healthier twist on a classic cuppa joe, try asking the barista for some vanilla powder to add to your coffee. Studies show that vanilla also helps with anxiety, so drink up you stressed college student, you.

1000 Faces Coffee

When it comes to high-quality coffee, 1000 Faces is one of the best in the game.  With their coffee roasting plant housed in the same building as their storefront, you can count on your espresso being a day-of level of fresh. Naturally-lit and white-washed, its efficient design aesthetic seeps academic motivation and studying celerity. The only downside to this study spot is the significant chance that there could be nowhere left to sit if you don't roll up at a decently early time in the day. That being said, its popularity should be an indicator of the quality of their product and the coolness of their space.

If you're looking for the best coffee shops at UGA for studying, make sure to try out these places and get your "A" game on.