You may call yourself a foodie, but this quiz made by the folks over at Sporcle is way harder than it seems. In the picture there are 98 different foods cut into cubes, which may be a minimalists dream, but makes the quiz incredibly difficult. If you think you can name all 98 foods in 12 minutes, head over to Sporcle and try it our for yourself.

Want a little help? We’ll give you five foods for free.

1. Corn


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With such a distinct yellow color, it’s pretty easy to recognize this cube as good old corn.

2. Salmon


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Sushi lovers near and far should be able to recognize this tasty cube in a matter of seconds.

3. Blood Orange


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This bitter fruit may be harder to recognize at first glance, but the color should give it away upon further inspection.

4. Beef


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It’s pretty hard to distinguish the different types of meat in the picture, but with summer just around the corner, hopefully you’ll get aquatinted with this meat at your next cookout.

5. Persimmon


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This one is tricky, especially if you are not familiar with the traditionally Japanese fruit, but no time like the present to learn about this delicious treat.