
4 Food Events Every Malaysian Is Familiar With

Malaysia is a multiracial country: Malays, Chinese, Indians, and numerous indigenous people coexist in harmony. Despite these racial differences, we do have one thing in common: a love for food.

Food and football (let's save that for another post) are probably the two things that could bring Malaysians together on any given day. Clearly, food is an important element in Malaysian culture. That's why in Malaysia all kinds of food events are held throughout the year:

1. Food Festivals

Food festivals have received a lot of hype from Malaysians in the last few years. They're definitely the best place to try new food and drinks from small businesses and start-ups.

However, I personally think these festivals are overrated; the food is overpriced and portions are usually smaller than average. But for the sake of a good time and some cool Instagram shots, food festivals are still one of my must-go-to events of the year.

2. Ramadan Bazaars

About 60% of Malaysians are Muslims who fast during the month of Ramadan. That's why every day for the whole month, Ramadan bazaars are held all over the country. Any Malaysian would know how crowded these bazaars can get, especially a few hours before Muslims break their fast, or iftar.

To me, the best thing about buying food at bazaars is that I will always have leftovers to eat for sahur, which is a pre-dawn meal before fasting the whole day.

3. Night Markets (Pasar Malam)

A smaller-scale version of Ramadan bazaars, night markets or Pasar Malam, are held a few times a week or even every day, depending on the location. Where I'm from, these markets are held every Tuesday and Friday nights. 

When Malaysians are too lazy to cook, this is definitely the go-to place. It's also one of the few places I know where I can get my yong tau foo fix.

4. School Carnivals

Carnivals are common all over the world, but in Malaysia, carnivals are typically fundraising events for the school. Instead of money, vouchers would be used as a means of exchange.

Back in my high school, any school club and organization was allowed to open up a booth and sell food and drinks. I believe it's the most anticipated event of the school year.

What Malaysians truly take pride in is Malaysian food, which could be both traditional dishes or a fusion of several cuisines.  For the time being, I hope this gives you an insight into what my culture is all about.