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wendys surge

The Best Memes About Wendy’s Ridiculous Dynamic Pricing Plan

By now, you’ve probably seen the news that Wendy’s will be testing dynamic pricing at certain locations in 2025. Without a doubt, the internet saw the announcement and took to Twitter/X immediately to roast the brand and make jokes about the late-stage capitalist nightmare. Kirk Tanner, the current Wendy’s CEO, vaguely said that the brand is set to share “more enhanced features like dynamic pricing and day-part offerings along with AI-enabled menu changes and suggestive selling.” Now, while a Wendy’s spokesperson clarified that its dynamic pricing does not include charging more during lunch and dinner rushes, I simply don’t trust AI menus fluctuating prices. If this does actually go into effect in 2025, trust me when I say I will just go to literally any other restaurant nearby. Here are just a handful of Wendy’s dynamic pricing memes that made me laugh and forget about the future price of a Frosty order. 

1. $1 Sandwiches All Around

If this worked, college kids with morning classes will be having a blast. 

2. Do we all have to be economists now?

Is it bad if I say I don’t know what any of these words mean? Please don’t make me learn about Wall Street lingo, I beg of you, Wendy’s. 

3. The employees already work super hard. 

Surge pricing should also apply to employee paychecks becase they deserve more, TBH. 

4. Gen Z is screwed. 

As a Gen Z person, I know I will be renting until I die. So, please, just give me a burger as a little treat at a normal price. 

5. Fine, I will just eat at home. 

I can only laugh as to avoid crying, ya know?

6. Bringing I Think You Should Leave to life.

Would this type of ordering count as meal prep?

7. Well, yes. 

Public shaming can actually be a good tool. Have you ever seen that Last Week Tonight, episode?

8.  Screaming, Crying, Throwing Up

My credit card is about to scream at me if this happens. 

9. Please, these menu screens, they’re trying to murder me. 

Don’t mind me as I awkwardly pull off and speed out of the parking lot. 

10. Some Surge is worth the hype. 

Wendy’s news aside, the return of Surge is a very important thing to discuss. 

Editor Girlie, beverage goblin