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Here’s What Trump’s Ban On Paper Straws Means

On Monday, February 10, President Donald Trump signed an executive order promoting the use of plastic straws because, according to him, paper straws “don’t work.” This directly opposes the efforts that the Biden administration made to reduce single-use products and source items from more sustainable material. 

“I don’t think plastic is going to affect a shark very much, as they’re munching their way through the ocean,” Trump said during a press conference.

Are plastic straws really that bad?

Plastic straws are made from plastic that is not biodegradable. Once it is thrown away, it stays in its existing state for the rest of eternity. Imagine just how many plastic straws have been used by humans, and how much space these straw carcasses take. On top of that, when not disposed of correctly, plastic straws can harm marine life that mistake them as food. The nonprofit Ocean Conservancy said it collected over 14 million plastic straws and stirrers from beaches in its 35 years.

Environmentalists have long targeted plastic straws because of how commonly and how often the average person uses them. If encouraged to use more environmentally-friendly straw options, the impact one can make is significant. 

Why does Trump hate paper straws?

According to Trump, paper straws “don’t work” and “disgustingly” dissolve in consumers’ mouths. During his 2020 presidential campaign, Trump even launched a line of Trump-branded plastic straws, committing himself to the idea that plastic straws are superior.

President Trump has a history of denying and ignoring global warming. He recently pulled the United States from the Paris Agreement, an international treaty to reduce greenhouse emissions and fight climate change. Trump’s legislative decisions come at a time where global warming is a more pressing issue than ever.

What does this executive order affect?

Trump’s executive order for plastic straws effectively eliminates paper straws from all agency buildings. His administration will also work with states that are anti-plastic straw to negotiate policies and terms in favor of plastic straws. 

The executive order does not ban the production of paper straws, rather, it reduces the implementation of them.

What are some paper straw alternatives that are still good for the environment?

Although President Trump’s main qualm with paper straws is their flimsiness and tendency to disintegrate, there are many biodegradable straw options that are sturdy, yet equally as eco-friendly. There are all sorts of varying compostable straws that have the benefits of paper straws, yet have more integrity. Made from canola oil, agave, cornstarch, corn plastic (PLA), sugarcane, or other plant-based ingredients — compostable straws work better than paper straws, but don’t harm the planet as much. Reusable metal straws are great as well, especially because they are not single-use.

Plastic straws aren’t the only sturdy option.

Maya is the spring Editorial Intern for Spoon University, covering food news, emerging trends, and all things culinary.

Maya is a sophomore at Northwestern University studying Journalism and Economics. In addition to writing for Spoon, you can find her published work in The Daily Northwestern, Spoon University @ Northwestern, The Stanford Daily, and The Castro Valley High School Olympian.

A native to the San Francisco Bay Area, Maya grew up eating her dad's delicious pasta and gumbo, turning her into a huge foodie. Her favorite foods are dim sum and the rajas tacos at Cenaduria Elvira in Oakland. When not writing articles or studying, Maya can be found baking, crocheting, dancing, or passionately singing along to Taylor Swift songs.