You might be asking, what’s the big deal about blackberries? Well, let me tell you, these berries are done being the forgotten cousin. Done. No longer will blackberries come after blueberries, strawberries, or raspberries, no longer will the blackberry be underutilized.
Besides, where did this hate even come from? Blackberries are superstars when it comes to healthy eating. Other than tasting phenomenal, blackberries are extremely high in antioxidants, and they are loaded with vitamin C – a 100g serving has about 35 percent of the recommended amount.
Calorically low, blackberries are a great snacking fruit, and they are filled with both soluble and insoluble fiber, so they keep you full and regular (it’s important!). And blackberries are filled with loads of stuff that’s great for your skin and hair.

Photo courtesy of
I suppose it is true that blackberries, now, are considered an invasive species in the pacific northwest and a nuisance, but that’s all the more reason we should be eating blackberries by the handfuls, eh?
Of course, gobbling blackberries by the handfuls is the best way to go, but, for when you’re feeling fancy, here is a list of five great ways to consume as many blackberries as possible this summer.
1. Blackberry Gin Fizz

Photo by Daniel Schuleman
Blackberries are perhaps the best muddling fruit— succulent, sweet, bursting with flavor…delicious. Mix them with some gin, soda water, and sugar and you have probably the best drink ever.
2. Greek Yogurt Parfait With Homemade Blackberry Chia Sauce

Photo by Yonatan Soler
Healthy and tasty, blackberries will make this breakfast all that much better. Plus, because blackberries are so good for you, this parfait is loaded with nutrients.
3. Blackberry Mint Margarita

Photo by Karen O’Brien
Adding the mint to the blackberries take them to a whole other level. This is the perfect margarita for to add to your summer cocktail list.
4. Blackberry Coconut Macaroons

Photo by Alia Wilhelm
These dainty little macaroons are not only beautiful, thanks to the purple of the blackberry, but super tasty, too. If you’re brave enough to turn your oven on this summer, try this recipe out.
5. Blackberry Rum Shrub

Photo by Julia Murphy
Ah, shrubs, the most refreshing and delicious drinking vinegars. Mixed with rum and blackberries, this shrub is literally out of this world. The perfect combination of extreme sour and sweet, you will probably end up drinking about five of these.
Not only will the planet thank you for consuming an inhuman amount of blackberries, but your body will, too.