
Which Healthy Granola Bar You Should Eat Depending on Your Mood

Most functioning people eat real meals, but most college students don't have time for that. We're lucky if we get to grab a granola bar on the way to class, and if we're smart about it, healthy granola bars. You just grab a bar and go, either to class, to a study session, or a meeting.

Healthy-ish granola bars are a lifesaver and whether or not they count as a true meal will forever be a debate. If you're as clueless about granola bars and need a little guidance, here is your blueprint for granola bars to eat depending on your mood.

When you feel a run coming on

Health Warrior: Chia Bar

When you're working up the energy to head to the gym, grab a Health Warrior Chia Bar to get you through the run. Made with real flavors, this bar is only 100 calories, gluten-free, and vegan-friendly. Plus, Health Warrior Chia Bars are the ultimate snack, because you can transform the bar into various snacks.

#SpoonTip: For snack ideas, visit here or checkout their Instagram account.

When you miss your grandma's cooking

Annie's Homegrown: Oatmeal Cookie Granola Bar

College can be a scary place and sometimes you get homesick, especially for the food you ate at home. Annie's Homegrown Oatmeal Raisin bar is perfect for when you're missing grandma's homemade oatmeal raisin cookies. With only 110 calories, this bar is perfect for nibbling on when you need a little pick-me-up. 

When you need coffee

Simple Squares: Coffee Organic Nutrition Bar

Instead of relying on your daily morning cup of coffee, sleep in a little later and grab a Simple Squares Coffee bar on your way out. Instead of just coffee, this bar also has cashews, almonds, and coconut for a little twist — the perfect morning combination.

When you're ready to go out

KIND: Cashew and Ginger Spice Bar

If you're getting ready to go out with your friends but need a snack before you head out, try a KIND Cashew and Ginger Spice bar and you won't be let down. It's sweet and spicy and will get your tastebuds tingling — plus, the ginger will give your immune system a little boost that might make your hangover a little more bearable. 

In case you're feeling any type of way, here's a ranking of the classic KIND bars. And if you want to be adventurous and try to make your own, check this out.

When you're feeling down

Larabar: Uber Dark Chocolate Turtle

Sometimes when you've had a bad day, all you want is some chocolatey goodness in your life, and this bar will deliver. Often talked about as the caramel turtle equivalent, dark chocolate covered pecans are the perfect alternative to delving into a pint of chocolate ice cream. 

If you're feeling seasonal, here is a list of perfect Thanksgiving flavored bars.

When you're feeling friendly

Ginnybakes: Karma, Love, and Apricot Ginnybar

If you're looking for a bar that'll make you happy and want to tell all your friends about, grab a Ginnybar, because these are hard to beat. While known for their cookies and baked goods, the company has perfected their healthy granola bars and you'll be feeling happier and healthier after just one bite.