
What You Should Make For Dinner Based On Who You’re Voting For

Whether you’re “With Her,” want to “Make America Great Again” or somewhere in between, voting is an essential part of what makes a democracy successful. After looking at the backgrounds, views, and favorite foods of some of the 2016 candidates, we’ve compiled a list of what you should be making for dinner tonight, depending on who you’re voting for.

Hillary Clinton (Democrat) – Pimiento Olive Burger

Photo Courtesy of @hillaryclinton on Instagram

Hillary has revealed that while in high school, her favorite food was a Pimiento Olive Burger at the Pickwick in Park Ridge, IL. Nothing elicits feelings of summer and Americana like grilling in the backyard, and this recipe for Hillary’s favorite type of burger from Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives doesn’t disappoint. Serve it up with one of these incredible drinks to help you get ready for Hillary.

Donald Trump (Republican) – Taco Bowls

Photo courtesy of @realDonaldTrump on Twitter

The Donald bizarrely proclaimed on Instagram that the Trump Tower taco bowls were “the best.” Unfortunately, we couldn’t find the recipe for this specific taco bowl, but we DID find this great burrito bowl recipe that looks even more delicious. Put on your red trucker hat, and get cooking.

If these options (either as dinner choices or presidential candidates) have you feeling a little bit like this, fret not! You have more options.

Bernie Sanders (Democrat kinda?) – Ice Cream

Photo courtesy of @YahooPolitics on Instagram

While Bernie has endorsed Hillary, allowing her to solidify the democratic nomination, Bernie fans may still need comfort food to be by their side when they cry. The political revolution involves eating ice cream for dinner, right? Ben and Jerry’s founder Ben Cohen made Bernie his own flavor, but any flavor will do the trick.

Gary Johnson (Libertarian Party) – New Mexican Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas

Photo courtesy of @GovGaryJohnson on Twitter

Gary Johnson is the former governor of New Mexico, and was the Libertarian Party nominee for the 2012 election. The main focus of his platform is to balance the budget and cut taxes, but we think a balanced meal is equally important, and that’s why we recommend making these New Mexican green chile enchiladas. You can learn more about his campaign here.

Dr. Jill Stein (Green Party) – Vegan Lobster Roll

Photo Courtesy of @jillsteinforamerica on Instagram

The presumptive nominee for the Green Party in 2016, Dr. Jill Stein of Massachusetts is a physician who turned to politics after noticing the negative effects of the local environment on people’s health.

Her 2012 presidential bid resulted in 450,000 votes nationwide, making her the most successful female candidate to ever run for president in the United States. Since reducing your intake of animal products is one of the best ways to reduce your environmental impact, (which is one of many other benefits to going vegan), we’re sure Dr. Stein would approve of this vegan lobster roll.

Independent – Deez Nuts

Photo Courtesy of Deez Nuts for President on Facebook

Brady Nelson, a 16 year old from Iowa going under the name Deez Nuts, polled at 9 percent against Trump and Clinton in North Carolina. While his campaign isn’t viable for a multitude of reasons, it goes to show that no matter what your personal views are, you can likely find a candidate who aligns with them.

There is no need to limit yourself to the two-party system, just like there is no need to limit yourself to two dinner options. As for what Deez Nuts supporters should make for dinner, we figured Rocky Mountain oysters would be a safe bet for the comedic value alone.

So no matter who you’re voting for, make sure to get to the polls (or mail in your ballot) on November 8th, and make sure to cook up some delicious eats for dinner. The fate of our country depends on it.

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