
What is a Persimmon and Where does it come from?

One of my favorite childhood memories is going to my grandparents' house in Korea and picking from my grandmother's persimmon trees. Persimmons are not well-known in the U.S., but maybe you have seen one at a grocery store or at a farmers' market at some point in your life. So what is a persimmon? Here's everything you need to know. 


The beginning of persimmon date back to ancient China. From there, it spread to Korea then to Japan, and in the 1800s it was introduced to California, where it still flourishes today. 

Persimmons are widely available September through December, with a peak during November. Although they are grown in different varieties, only two types are commercially available: Hachiya and Fuyu. 


Hachiya persimmons make up about 90 percent of the available fruit. This persimmon is tart until it becomes soft ripe, as shown in the picture above. Hachiya persimmons are creamy and great for baking.


Fuyu persimmon look like a squashed orange tomato, and they are edible while still firm, unlike the Hachiya variety. Enjoy the Fuyu raw and peeled. 

Health Benefits

Persimmons are low in calories and fats - they provide 70 calories per 100 grams. This fiber-rich fruit is an excellent source of Vitamin A and good source of Vitamin C and contains a range of antioxidants. But as with most fruit, you should eat these in moderation because it contains fructose, which can be harmful in excess amounts.


So what is a persimmon good for? While persimmons taste good simply cut into slices, they can be a great ingredient for cookies or even bread. Personally, I enjoy eating them alone or with some plain Greek yogurt for breakfast, but if you're feeling adventurous, many recipes are readily available online.

Now that you know all about persimmons, you need to go try some for yourself! Trust me, you'll be obsessed. If you're feeling lazy, just eat it by itself - no need for a fancy recipe. I promise you'll be happy you tried.