
What Exactly Do Your Gym Clothes Say About You?

Whether or not we're proud of it, most of us have posted "new year, new me" photos on every social media site. Along with these photos comes resolutions that we swear every year to uphold. If you're anything like me, these resolutions entail working on #fitness and wearing gym clothes.

#SpoonTip: Try implementing these strategies and stalking these Insta accounts if you really want to keep your resolutions for 2017. 

As gyms go from being deserted to jam-packed with the arrival of the new year, you'll probably notice the variety of apparel you see on the sweaty bodies around you. As you notice this you'll find yourself wondering what exactly do your gym clothes say about you?

Baggy Sweats and Big T-Shirts 

If you are someone who rolls up to the gym in the sweatpants you dug out of your closet from sophomore year field hockey, your outfit says, "Here I am, ready to better myself and work on my fitness." 

Matching Leggings and Tank Tops

People whose gym clothes consist of perfectly color coordinated ensembles only shout one thing to those around them at the gym, "I'm making a solid effort to improve myself!"

Shirtless Ensembles

We've all seen those guys lifting or running around us at the gym without a shirt in sight. You know what this kind of outfit says? "I may be a bit warm, but that's okay because I am out here getting in shape."

The moral of the story here is that it does not matter what your gym clothes look like, showing up and working out is hard enough without having to judge and be judged by the choice of clothes you choose to sweat in. 

Whatever your choice of gym clothes might be, just acknowledge how awesome it is that you (and everyone else around you) is working to fulfill a fitness goal every time they step foot in the gym.