
The Most Underrated Food Moments at Union College

It’s no secret that Union College is the best school out there. I mean let’s be real, you can’t get much better than a high ranking STEM program, top-notch athletics, and a new visual arts building. But, here are some of the reasons we foodies love the U so much. (Sometimes it’s the little things.)  

When you're allowed to get Reamer eggs on a weekday at 11:01 

We are all too familiar with the early morning, weekday struggle of running to Reamer to try and get eggs before lunch starts at 11. However, your day is off to a good start when one of the friendly Dutch Hollow workers lets you get your BEC (bacon, egg and cheese) at 11:01. Your run to Reamer was well worth it.

A perfect food #Nottshot

You aren’t a Union College student if you haven’t taken a Nott Shot. I’m sorry, but it’s just a fact of life. There is a true art to this skill. And if you’re talented enough use one hand to take the picture, while holding food in the other, you’re truly gifted. Check out some of our favorite food Nott shots

When there is red pepper gouda

Everyone has their favorite soups. Maybe you like Dawns' Turkey Chili (yes Dawn) or Italian Wedding or the classic Chicken Noodle, but we know Union students love Red Pepper Gouda. Here's a little hack, get in line and get a grilled cheese and make your own grilled cheese croutons. 

No egg line at West

West breakfast is a Union favorite, but we all know that real eggs are what make it great. Yes the omelettes are great, but we prefer eggs out of a shell than a carton. Walking in and seeing a line of 3 or less will make waking up seem that much more exciting. Here's some inspiration for West breakfast when you're lucky enough to get eggs fresh off the griddle.  

The Green Market comes on campus

Everyone knows that taking a trip to the Green Market is a piece of cake. I really didn't think it could get any easier than a 10 minute walk, but it just did. How about when the market comes to you? This is a true gift to the people like me, who, for some reason or another struggle to make it to Jay Street, but enjoy the benefits of all the amazing snacks. 

Late Night Rathskeller 

Ratherskeller you are the light at the end of the tunnel on a late night. Whether it's late night studying or your up for some other odd reason, you are always great. The deadbolt (Philly cheesesteak topped with mac and cheese), mozz sticks or loaded fries with cheese and bacon - yes we have a thing for cheese - you come in clutch. 

Matzo ball soup on Wednesdays 

Matzo ball soup is a classic Jewish comfort food and the lovely on-campus Chabad knows just that. Every Wednesday in Reamer you can find a huge vat of matzo balls and veggies. Make sure you get their before common hour ends because they'll be fresh out of balls. And don't worry if you're not Jewish, everyone gets to enjoy this Jewish specialty. 

No Wold Starbucks Line Before Class

Clearly Union students have a thing with lines. We want to avoid them. Nothing is worse then needing your cup of joe and having to get in line behind 20 students in need of caffeine. 

Local Restaurants Come on Campus

SpoonU Union loves to bring local restaurants on campus. Often with the help of dining services we sponsor off-campus restaurants in the dining halls. In the past, Perreca's and Aperitivo have brought in pasta, pizza and other Italian specialties. During finals we brought Ayelada to the library and the line was out the door (notice above photo). Here is everything you need to know about Ayelada, if you're huge froyo lovers like us. 

SpoonU Takeovers

Maybe I’m slightly bias, but I get butterflies in my stomach every time I hear the words “SpoonU Takeover”. But, let’s be real, whose day isn’t made when they see our friendly faces serving up epic grilled cheese or fries on fries on fries


Okay, so right off the bat, I have to say that you can’t be intimidated by the Lobsterfest line. Wait it out ‘cause it will be well worth it. Definitely a day that everyone at Union looks forward to, rain or shine. 

Sunday Hillel Bagel Brunch

There’s honestly nothing better than waking up at 11am on a Sunday morning and piling a bagel high with avocado, tomato, and lox at Hillel. Did I mention there are nine dozen each week? So, feel free to grab a few and stock up for next week’s breakfasts. I know I will.

There you have it. The underrated, yet oh so worth it, food moments at Union College. If you find yourself getting excited over these things, you are not alone.