
Tired of Pumpkin Spice Lattés? Try These Healthier Pumpkin Snacks

Even though it may feel like it, pumpkin spice lattés were not always the go-to fall snack. The history of pumpkin spice lattés begins in 2003 when Starbucks first introduced the hot drink to its customers. Pumpkin spice lattés soon began to sell at fast food chains and serve as a trendy fall sensation. Popular culture played a large role in the pumpkin-spice latté craze, as the drink soon had its own Instagram account, Twitter, and hashtag.

Despite social media's promotion of pumpkin spice lattés, most consumers are unaware of the health effects associated with the drink. It is important that people consider nutrition before choosing what to snack on, instead of consulting the latest foodie trends. There are so many other healthier pumpkin snack options to choose from.

Many healthier pumpkin snack options are not highly advertised compared to their junk food cousins, like Pumpkin Oreos, Pumpkin Peeps, you name it. If you're looking for some healthier ways to keep pumpkin in your diet this fall, try these delicious alternatives!

Pumpkin Fries 

Pumpkin fries are an easy-to-make homemade snack. Slice pumpkin into thin strips and add olive oil. Sprinkle cinnamon-sugar if you are in the mood for a treat, or add parmesan and salt for a savory taste. Bake the pumpkin strips in the oven for 20 minutes at 375 degrees until the fries are a golden-brown.

Caramel-Almond Pumpkin Spice Kind Bars

This limited-edition Kind Bar is the perfect on-the-go snack. This fall-inspired bar doesn't just have the pumpkin-spice taste we all know and love: it is made of almonds, cashews, pecans, and peanuts to keep you full. This bar also had 5 grams of sugar, significantly less than the 12 grams of sugar in the average protein bar. 

Trader Joe's Pumpkin Butter 

Trader Joe's Pumpkin Butter is the perfect spread for fall. Use it on health breads like Ezekiel bread and add sliced almonds for a boost of protein. The spread only has 40 calories and has no fat, making it the perfect topping for your breakfast toast. 

Pumpkin Acai Bowl

A pumpkin acai bowl is an easy to make breakfast or lunch. Blend a frozen acai pack with 1/4 cup of pumpkin puree with 1/2 cup of almond milk and 1/2 of a frozen banana. Add fruit toppings or sliced nuts of your choosing!

Pumpkin Roasted Chickpeas 

Pumpkin roasted chickpeas are a delicious homemade snack. Dice shelled chickpeas in a mixture of pumpkin purée, ginger, nutmeg, and cinnamon sugar. Use a spatula to spread the mixture around and bake for 30 minutes. Shuffle the chickpeas around every 10 minutes so they don't burn by taking them out of the oven. This is the perfect afternoon snack that your whole family will enjoy. 

Next time you have a pumpkin-spice craving, remember that there are healthier options other than the typical hot drinks and junk food that line grocery store aisles. Start the new healthier pumpkin trend! I mean come on, is a pumpkin spiced latté really worth the 380 calories?