
5 Things You Should Do If You Get Homesick While Studying Abroad

Studying abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. You try new things, meet new people, see different cultures, and visit places you've only seen in photographs—but that doesn't mean you won't think about (and miss) the place you call home. Here are a few things you can do to fix the feeling of being homesick while studying abroad. 

Eat Something From Home

Going out to eat at a restaurant and chowing down on something from part of the world you call home can be extremely comforting. If going out to eat isn't your thing, try cooking something. Ask your family for their favorite recipes and make them on your own. Another option is to ask for a care package — your favorite candies, cookies, chips. Anything that can fit into a box.

Give Your Friends & Family a Tour of Your Surroundings

Hop onto Facetime, Skype, or Snapchat, and show your loved ones around town. Give them a glimpse of the nightlife, bring them to your campus, find some cool wildlife, or introduce them to your friends! Being able to talk about the place you're in with the people you care about is a great feeling. Plus, maybe they'll like it so much they'll wanna visit you. Win-win. 

Explore Your Neighborhood

The best way to get rid of homesickness is to have a new home. Get familiar with your surroundings—figure out where the best places to eat are, where to go when you need some alone time, or where to go when you're in a partying mood. Don't coop yourself up in your room, that won't solve anything.

Try New Things

Whether it's something crazy or something tame, doing new things is always a great way to keep your mind off of stressful things. Ask what's popular where you're staying and see if there's anything you haven't done before. Surfing, rock climbing, kayaking, hiking—the sky's the limit. 

Pick Up a Hobby

Consider doing something with a bit of routine in it. It could be something active—like jogging or doing yoga every morning. Or something more relaxed—like journaling or painting. I've picked up scrapbooking and I found it to be a great distraction as well as a great way to relive the memories I've made while studying abroad.