
These New Edible Spoons are Changing the World

As we know, the plastic buildup around the world has gotten out of hand. Plastic utensils gets thrown into landfills and the ocean each day. Our generation of millennials plays an essential role in how the world will be shaped in the future. What if you could, in fact, choose an edible spoon over a disposable one?

Narayana Peesapaty, a researcher and agriculture consultant from Hyderabad, India, was tired of seeing plastic spoons covering the ground in landfills. He decided it was time to take action and developed the groundbreaking edible spoon: BAKEYS Edible Cutlery. 

These spoons are 100% natural, biodegradable, and vegan. They contain no chemicals or other potentially dangerous substances typically found in their plastic counterparts. They're made of millet, rice, and wheat flours, with salt being the only non-plant-based ingredient.

Why Edible Spoons?

If not consumed, these utensils naturally decompose between 3 to 7 days after use.The flavors come in an assortment of plain, sweet and savory. More specifically, these include sugar, ginger-cinnamon, ginger-garlic, cumin, celery, black pepper, mint-ginger, and carrot-beetroot.

Unlike plastic spoons, these can not be reused or washed, and are thrown out or eaten after each meal. Peesapty knows that plastic is very cheap, but he's trying his best, with this initiative, to get people to see these spoons as another cheap alternative. 

Narayana Peesapaty is truly on to something here, I hope to see these hit the shelves in the USA soon, as the business is just starting to take off in India. If eating my utensils means the reduction of our environmental footprint, count me in.