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The Ultimate Lafayette College Dining Hall Guide: Where to go for Every Food Mood

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Lafayette chapter.

Often times I go to the dining hall very hungry only to find that there is nothing there I feel like eating. For me, there’s nothing worse that an unsatisfied food craving, so that’s why I am here to make meal suggestions to the Lafayette student body to satisfy your every food mood. Although the dining hall meals may get boring and repetitive after awhile, the Lafayette College dining halls have some great options that are sure to leave you full and happy.

1. When You’re a Little Tipsy: Late-Night Lower Farinon

Lafayette College Dining Hall batter potato
Jodi Graf

The best thing about lower is that it stays open til 1 am, and switches to it’s late night menu at 9 pm to satisfy your every drunk, greasy craving. A fan-favorite is the Chicken Tenders and Fries; they are a perfect ending to a great night out. If you’re not a fan of the chicken tenders, Lower also serves deliciously cheesy quesadillas and pizza bagels. 

2. When you have a Weekend Hangover: Upper Farinon Breakfast 

Upper serves full breakfast until 10:30am and half of the breakfast items until noon on weekends. They serve fresh eggs made to order, which you can pair with toast, potatoes, waffles, pancakes, and more. On Saturday they offer the expanded yogurt bar complete with fresh fruit, granola, and other toppings. On Sunday, Upper has an omlete bar, which allows you to order omlete just the way you like them. 

3. When you sleep in too long but need breakfast: Gilberts

Lafayette College Dining Hall ham chicken
Jodi Graf

Gilberts is the only location that serves breakfast all day long! They have oatmeal, griddle cakes, frenchtoast, and the crowd-favorite: breakfast sandwiches. It’s the perfect way to start you day no matter what time it is!

4. When You Just Finished a Workout: Salad at Gilbert’s or Marquis

Lafayette College Dining Hall spinach chicken
Jodi Graf

Did you just finish a nice workout and feeling healthy? Head to Gilbert’s, which conveniently located up the hill from the gym, for a variety of fresh salads. My favorite is the Kale Caesar. If you would rather make your own salad, go to Marquis, which has a variety of lettuces, vegetables, dressing, and toppings from which to choose. I love to add dried cranberries for some extra color and sweetness. Use dressing sparingly and stay away from the creamy ones. 

5. When you have a sweet tooth: Marquis Cafe

When you just need to satisfy your sweet tooth, head to Marquis for cookies, crepes, and ice cream courtesy of Bank Street Creamery, or try one of the other desserts on the daily menu. I love to get a sweet fruit-filled crepe with ice cream on top when I’m craving dessert. 

6. When all you want is Carbs and Cheese: Upper Farinon

Lafayette College Dining Hall chips chicken
Jodi Graf

WHo doesn’t love break and cheese? I know I crave pizza especially on Friday nights after a long week. Upper serves the best pizzza on campus, and on Friday nights it’s a carb fest complete with french fries, pizza, pasta, and grilled cheese. 

7. When you are feeling global: Lower Farinon

Lafayette College Dining Hall broccoli chicken
Jodi Graf

Whenever I get a craving for a taste of the world I head over to Lower. Their Wok, a stirfry of your choice of noodles or rice with various toppings, is amazing, especially when you need a little Asian cuisine. They also have global departures and homemade italian meals that vary depending on the night. Lower even serves freshly made sushi. Lower was ranked in the top 10 dining halls in the nation by USA Today. 

8. When are indecisive or willing to try anything: Upper Farinon or Marquis

Both all-you-can-eat dining halls change their menus daily, so you never know what you will find when you walk into Marquis or Upper. If you just can’t decide on one thing, get a little taste of everything. It’s only one swipe for so many different dishes. 

College food can get boring after a while, but Lafayette really does a great job of offering many different dining options. There is really something for everyone and every mood. You won’t ever go hungry if you know where to find your favorite satisfying meals. 

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Jodi Graf

Lafayette '20

Lover of all things edible, especially sugar