
Here’s Your Perfect Post-Spring Break Boston Juice Cleanse

Now that spring break’s over, it’s time to get back to the real world AKA time to detox from a week of indulgence. Even if you were relatively healthy during break, chances are your body could use a reset from all the traveling you’ve done. Regardless of whether juicing actually does anything for your body, experts agree it can’t hurt — and honestly, to me, it’s my favorite way to get back into the swing of things.

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So prior to my red-eye back to Boston, I ordered JUGOS’s 1-day custom juice cleanse. They have a choice of four packages: Clasico, which is their basic package; Verde, which has only green drinks; De Temporada, which includes seasonal juices; and Custom, which allows you to make your own. I decided to choose Juice #1, Juice #4, Juice #6, Habana, Bushwick, and Leche Verde for mine — I basically chose all my favorites from the three packages and combined them into one.

#SpoonTip: For a limited time in March, they’re offering all their old-school cleanses for only $39.50

On Monday, I hopped of the plane (unfortunately not at LAX), stopped by Back Bay to pick up my package, and tried to contain my excitement (sorry, I’m weird).

Photo by Nancy Chen

Juice 1: kale, cucumber, green apple, lemon, ginger

Photo by Nancy Chen

10:15 AM: The hardest decision was where to start, but I figured that Juice #1 was named “Juice #1” for a reason. It tasted like spring, freshness, and green things. Not bad, not bad.

Bushwick (seasonal): beet, orange, carrot, cayenne, brussels sprouts, ginger, lemon, turmeric

Photo by Nancy Chen

12:15 PM: This is hands down one of my favorite juices. Beets help cleanse your liver, orange and carrot make it taste like sunshine, and the combination of ginger, lemon, cayenne, and turmeric is like the holy grail of an immunity kick. Also, it has Brussels sprouts. Obsessed.

I had this during my first class of the day, and I kind of already miss chewing. Thank God for pulp.

Habana (seasonal): cucumber, kale, spinach, cayenne, ginger, green apple, sugarcane, lime mint

Photo by Nancy Chen

2:50 PM: This tastes like candy. And there’s no pulp, so I chugged a third in class before slowing myself down. And then couldn’t finish the rest because it was so overwhelmingly sweet. On the bright side, I don’t have the 3 o’clock slump or headache that comes with it like I usually do. I’m already dreaming about food, but at least I feel clean and light.

6: spinach, kale, apple, celery, lemon, ginger

Photo courtesy of @jugosboston on Instagram

3:20 PM I couldn’t finish the Habana so decided to switch. This one is hands down my least favorite, because it overwhelmingly tastes like celery. And a little like puke.

Leche Verde:

Photo courtesy of @jugosboston on Instagram

6:30 PM: I drank this post-yoga and it was 100% necessary. I absolutely died during yoga and whether that was from getting three hours of sleep or from drinking juice all day, I have no idea. But this bright turquoise almond milk drink (don’t worry, that’s just from the spirulina) was heaven, mostly because it wasn’t juice.

#SpoonTip: Sprinkle some cinnamon in there and shake it up to mix for an extra boost of flavor.

Ending Thoughts:

Not going to lie — I failed. I ended the day with a packet of Justin’s almond butter and seven hearts of palm straight from the jar and went to bed. But surprisingly, I wasn’t starving.

Next time, I won’t be picking something with four green juices that basically taste the same. I didn’t even drink Juice #4 and didn’t finish Habana. Completely my bad though; you’re probably better off sticking with their pre-made cleanses.

Photo by Nancy Chen

Would I do it again?

Absolutely. This is one of the cheapest juice cleanses in Boston, and although you do have to pick it up every morning, it’s conveniently located right at the Back Bay station, so you really have no excuse. There’s a variety of juices, so if you’re not into the whole green juice thing, you can pick something else.

#SpoonTip: Bring your punchcard, because each juice in the cleanse earns you a punch! And if you don’t have one, then just ask them for one.

Trust me, afterward, you’ll feel proud of yourself for having accomplished it and feel overall, pretty awesome.

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For more information on juicing, check these out: