
People Are Pissed About Starbucks’ New Holiday Cups

It’s official — Starbucks’ holiday cups are back. Unfortunately, instead of bringing holiday cheer, it’s spawning a social media feud. But why?

Gone are the festive snowflakes, reindeer, and snowmen. Gone is all the happiness from getting a gingerbread latte. Gone is the infamous holiday Starbucks Insta.

Because the new Starbucks red cups feature… well, nothing. There are absolutely no designs. Starbucks enthusiasts and certain groups are calling it a war on Christmas.

Apparently, by removing the Christmas designs, Starbucks is being “anti-Christmas.” People are personally offended and are using #MerryChristmasStarbucks to voice their outrage.

Even so, there’s an overwhelming amount of support for Starbucks and their new holiday cup design.

It looks like even though haters gonna hate, people are still happy with their Starbucks red cups. After all, it’s the holiday season and nobody wants to be a Scrooge.

And if you still feel strongly about your lack of snowflakes, do what this girl did and add your own holiday cheer.

GBL=JOY #pandhchalk #handlettered #starbucksredcup #havetodecoratethemsomehow #sunday

A photo posted by P+H Chalk (@pandhchalk) on

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