
The Brutally Honest Truth About If GMOs Are Good or Bad

GMOs are a misconception among health gurus and foodies alike. So, what is the brutally honest truth about GMOs? Are they really as harmful as some claim? To put it simply, no. They're not harmful but actually quite beneficial. GMOs are used to help farmers crop yield to produce more food with less land, help farmers farm more sustainably and help the produce retain more nutrients.

Let's start where the food starts—the ground.

First, some examples of genetically modified organisms (or, GMOs) used for farming purposes: Roundup Ready Corn, pesticide and pest-resistant crops. These are beneficial because without these, more crops would die which means farming production would be down. Farmers today already struggle to feed the constantly growing population as it is, with lower production world hunger rates would be through the roof.

When you get down to it, everything is genetically modified. 

For example, selective breeding is genetically modifying an animal's young from the way it would naturally be for the best product from the animal. So breeding cows for the best beef quality is a form of genetic modification. The banana is a genetic modification from a plantain. The corn we all know and love today is totally different than its original state two thousand years ago because of genetic modification. GMOs surround us and we don't even realize it.

GMO's increase farmers food production = more food for us = less hunger = less hanger.

Genetically modified organisms decrease the rate of human suffering due to malnutrition and disease. GMOs are considered a major bio technical advancement in agriculture because of its ability to help grow more at a faster rate and keep the nutritional value of the food in for a longer period of time.

Don't overthink it, science approves.

While research and factual evidence show GMOs are in no way harmful, a two year study by USA Today has proven anti-GMO shoppers aren't ready to give up the trend. Non-GMO advocates claim they're looking for "purity" in their food. This study found genetically modified crops have not caused increases in cancer, obesity, autism or any other sicknesses or health risks.

Don't avoid GMOs.

Choose healthy, whole foods that will benefit you regardless if there's a 'GMO-free' label or not. And if you're not into the whole health thing, then choose whatever foods make you happy and satisfied but don't avoid GMOs just because that's trending and others are. Above all else, always do your own research.