
The Best of the Best Grilled Cheese Pulls on Instagram

National Grilled Cheese Day is April 12th and what better way to celebrate the amazing holiday then to look through the cheesiest grilled cheese pulls. For anyone that doesn't know, a cheese pull is when you separate the two halves of a grilled cheese sandwich and watch all of the goodness inside stretch out. Here are some of the best ones on Instagram. 

The One With the Colors

"Can you paint with all the colors of the cheese" -Pocahontas (probably). Aside from that fact, rainbow foods have taken over the social media scene and grilled cheese has not been left out. Look how pretty it is. I mean, I want to eat that grilled cheese. 

The Leslie Knope Favorite

Leslie Knope loves waffles and you know you do too. Plus, cheese makes everything 1000 times better; we all know that. If you are looking for a new way to enjoy the classic sandwich, amp it up with a waffle, and then pull it apart for the cheesy, gooey, pull like the one above. 

The Classic-Looking One

The cheese isn't ready to let go. Just look how gooey it is. It looks like a regular grilled cheese you can get anywhere, but the cheese pull makes it special. 

The One That's a Little Bit of a Stretch

How far can this cheese pull? Like really, it's stretching the limits of what a normal grilled cheese can accomplish. But paired with those potato chips, it's everything you could ever want in a grilled cheese sandwich.

The One You Just Want To Eat Already

Everything about this pull just screams, "YES!" Like, how soon do you want a grilled cheese now because of this cheese pull? The answer is RIGHT NOW!!!

The One That is Holding On For Its Life

The cheese wants to pull apart but it's too strong. Look how everything kind of oozes out and it just makes you realize how much you truly love grilled cheese sandwiches. 

The Exotic One

A mashup between French Toast and Grilled Cheese is everything that we ever wanted, and the cheese pull definitely shows us why. Sweet and savory always match up and this cheese pull just makes us all want to try this insane mashup. 

The Not-So-Traditional Pull

Obviously, this one doesn't look like the others, but that doesn't mean its not as pretty. Look at how the cheese stretches and falls as the two halves of the sandwich are stacked on top of each other. Definitely one of the best cheese pulls on Instagram. 

The One That Can't Decide if it Wants to be Grilled Cheese or a Burger

Another mashup, but is it a cheeseburger or a grilled cheese with meat in the center? Either way, we want to try it. The cheese is gooey and perfect for a grilled cheese sandwich. This one is definitely on the food bucket list.

The Fancy One

Look at the grill marks on this bread. Look at the raisins in the cheese. This grilled cheese is special; it's ~fancy~. Get you a sandwich that can do both. It's stringy and gooey, but also has the extra pieces on the inside making it more special and fancy than a typical grilled cheese. But, the cheese pull on this one really takes the cake. 

The One With Multiple Types of Cheeses

Look at the color gradient on this one. The more cheese the better. How many cheeses is too many? Trick question, none. Look how pretty the pull is, and how badly are you craving a grilled cheese now? 

Bonus: The Video to Top it All Off

In case you couldn't get an idea of how beautiful cheese pulls are from the pictures, here is a bonus video to emphasize how important and beautiful grilled cheese pulls truly are. Now go celebrate National Grilled Cheese Day and recreate your own pull.