
10 Instagram Accounts for Pasta Lovers

Growing up in a household where my mom's cooking leaned toward Italian most nights of the week, I developed a special appreciation for pasta. Forget the chickpea, lentil, and black bean versions. I want real, quality, gluten-filled noodles when I decide I want pasta for dinner. 

As with every other food I've developed a taste for, I love to scroll through pictures of pasta on Instagram, both for recipe inspiration and to just torture myself when I'm stuck at work. Cruel, I know, but we all do it. Here are some of my favorite accounts featuring pictures of pasta from a variety of sources, from food bloggers to restaurants.

1. @pasta

Although @pasta may seem like the most obvious choice, I had to begin my recommendation list with the best. They have the steadiest stream of high quality pictures and videos featuring what we're all here for, the pasta. The brain behind the account is the popular Instagram account for all things delicious, @infatuation.

2. @noodleworship

If you are the friend who took the #sendnoods hashtag way too far, this is the account for you. @noodleworship showcases a steady stream of very high quality pictures that have been submitted by photographers, bloggers, and restaurants. It features a combination of noodles and pasta, so you will see a wide variety of cuisines. 

3. @saltyseattle

@saltyseattle is undeniably the prettiest account for pasta. Food photographer and pasta aficionado Linda Nicholson showcases what she calls "plant-dyed pasta art" on the account. You won't believe the wide variety of colors and shapes she achieves until you see them for yourself.

4. @miyukiadachi

Although @miyukiadachi is a bit more rustic in terms of photo and video quality, the variety of shapes and techniques showcased on the account definitely make up for it. This is an especially great account for people interested in making their own pasta, because videos show the techniques that she uses to achieve her unique shapes. 

5. @pastagirlfriend

Personally, I love @pastagirlfriend because of its unique twist on making pasta a lifestyle. It features a mixture of your normal pasta pictures, pasta memes, and pop culture celebrity and movie pictures, always with a hint of pasta. 

6. @pastasisters

@pastasisters is the Instagram account to go along with the beloved Pasta Sisters restaurants in Los Angeles. You'll never find it pushing sales pitches in your face. It's more focused on the pasta and a bit on the people. I love the unique and quirky personality that I can see in all of the Pasta Sisters employees that make appearances. 

7. @ghoccheriabyluzzos

Thanks to the wonders of social media, @gnoccheriabyluzzos has quickly catapulted to pasta fame since it opened just a few months ago. Located in NYC, it features a menu solely made of different kinds of gnocchi and pasta sauces. Now, that's a concept I can get behind. 

8. @solapastabar

@solapastabar plays with the Instagram grid to create larger tiled images. It's fun to scroll through and see the chefs and quotes featured alongside the food, which of course, is pasta. If you're located in NYC, this account is a must-follow to stay on top of specials. 

9. @avagenes

@avagenes is the Instagram account for Ava Gene's pasta-centric restaurant that was voted one of Portland's best. Although the restaurant has a well-rounded Roman menu that focuses on local produce and Italian wines, the Instagram leans heavily on beautiful pictures of pasta, which is just what I wanted. 

10. @centopastabar

Since December 2015, @centopastabar has featured a rotating weekly menu of pastas for lunch in Downtown LA. It is run by Executive Chef Anver Lavi inside Mignon restaurant. Because the menu changes so often, there are always new pictures of pasta to showcase what customers can expect to see while dining.  

I will gladly take the blame when your friends look over your shoulder and ask why your entire Instagram feed is pasta. Everyone needs a bit of joy in their life, and as a fellow pasta-lover, I hope that you can now satisfy your cravings on Instagram when actual pasta is out of reach.