
The 10 Best (and Worst) Jell-O Shot Combos on Pinterest

Jell-O shots are the biggest rite of passage on a college campus. One isn't officially 21 until they unattractively slurp alcoholic Jell-O out of a mini plastic cup. On top of that, Jell-O shots are possibly the best designed alcoholic beverage ever. Think about it — they're portable, they're super easy to make, and they are be made hours in advance for the best results (read: made when you're sober and can judge the amount of alcohol in it).

Like all drinks, Jell-O shots have their hits and misses. Here you'll find the 10 best (and worst) Jell-O shots found on Pinterest.


1. Pinnacle Orange Creamsicle Jell-O Shots

There is nothing better to cool you down on a hot summer day by the pool than an orange creamsicle. Make that creamsicle just a little bit better with some Pinnacle vodka with this recipe.

2. Cranberry Jell-O Shots

Get the whole family to do these with you this holiday season — just make sure Grandma is sitting down because they'll hit you quick! Find the recipe here.

3. Peach Fizz Jell-O Shots

Get your southern belle on with these gorgeous and delicious peach shots that will transport you straight to your front porch in the summer (even if you're watching it snow outside). Get the recipe here.

4. Pink Lemonade Jell-O Shots

These shots have the added "no trash" advantage. The lemon peel-as-a-shot-glass makes the shot very trash-friendly, super trendy and Insta-worthy. Find the whole recipe here.

5. Strawberry Margarita Jell-O Shots

These shots go with our theme from the last shot — no shot glass, no problem. These adult strawberries come out best in the summer when strawberries are in season. But be careful, you'll pop these like candy. Find the recipe here.

Worst and Weirdest

6. Rum Chata Oreo Cookie Pudding Shots

It might just be me, but this sounds like way too much to put into one shot. Don't get me wrong, I love Oreos, but who wants their shot to be crunchy?

7. Pumpkin Pie Jell-O Shots

I am heavy just thinking about this. Shots shouldn't be this creamy, and pumpkin pie is perfect the way it is. We should just leave it alone. If you're a pumpkin fiend, try this recipe... But, don't say I didn't warn you!

8. Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cheesecake Pudding Shots

This one looks like it would be so good in drink form, but the idea of pudding and alcohol is less than desirable to some people. Nevertheless, if you want to make that plunge, do you.

9. Jäger Bomb Jell-O Shots

Dear god, if you want to stay upright, do NOT do this. Jäger Bombs are enough to knock out the average frat house, so one can only imagine how crazy these will get you. If you're brave enough to try them, use this recipe.

10. Straw-Ber-Rita Jell-O Shots

My only question for this one is why? The alcohol content of a Straw-Ber-Rita is only eight percent, as opposed to the 30-40 percent of hard liquor. If you like the taste of beer, or want to be pounding these down every two minutes to feel anything, try this recipe.

Now that you've gone through this extra-boozy list, run to the grocery store and buy all the Jell-O. And of course, always drink responsibly. Cheers!