
The 7 Best Tailgating Foods That Don't Require a Grill

When I was deciding where to go to college, I had three requests: big student body, a kick-ass Journalism School and above all, a killer tailgating and football scene. Naturally University of South Carolina won in all three categories. 

Tailgating is my favorite pastime, with good music, all my best friends, and of course, awesome snacks to keep my drunchies satisfied. Here are seven of the best tailgating recipes that don't require a grill. 

1. Pimento Cheese Dip

I was introduced to this heavenly app during my freshman year. Nationally, I feel this dip is unknown which is really a shame. Pimento (many confuse for Palmetto) Cheese dip is a South Carolinian tradition and a must have at tailgates.    

2. Pub Subs

Pub subs are essentially just sandwiches purchased at Public grocery stores. They're amazing any day but they taking fulfilling tailgate drenches to a new level. 

3. Chick-fil-A Platters

This is a no brainer; no utensils, grill or plates required. My personal favorite, Chick-fil-A, has my heart. 

4. Lizard's Thicket sides

This is a Columbia, and family favorite. Lizard's Thicket is a Cola based chain, and their side orders are perfect for tailgates. They serve a lot with easy clean up—just pick up the morning of! 

5. Buffalo Chicken Dip

So I had actually never had Buffalo chicken dip before a tailgate, and good lord, had I been missing out. Much like Pimento Cheese Dip, this is an easy purchase or prep for game days while fulfilling the common cheese crave. 

6. Bojangles Box

Much like Chick-fil-A, any mass amount of fried chicken is a no brainer. Bojangles boxes come with biscuits and fries too. Order up and you'll be saying "It's Bo Time!" too. 

7. Pigs in a Blanket (Cooked before game day)

TBH, pre-cooked anything works for a grill-less tailgate, but mini dogs are a automatic win for me. Carbs and meat? Yes please. 

Stay safe, stay winning, and stay full my fellow tailgaters. And hopefully your team doesn't get stuck with noon games like mine.