
The 5 Emotions You Experience Going Grocery Shopping With a Foodie

I went grocery shopping with a friend recently at Trader Joe's and afterwards I realized why the trip was so much fun - we're both foodies. Most people think of food shopping as a chore, so it was a nice change of pace to go with someone who enjoys it just as much as I do.

We were both excited to find new products and try the samples. It was relieving to know that we could take our time in each aisle and then discuss our finds. We discussed food labels and ingredient lists like true food nerds. So for you fellow foodies out there who love shopping together, you'll be able to relate to these emotional stages of hitting up the grocery store.

1. Excited

The two of you can't wait to embark on your food-filled journey. You and your friend have made your shopping lists and packed snacks for the road because you just can't wait fifteen minutes to buy even more food. The car ride consists of recipe swapping and discussing the new foods you want to try. Some people call you crazy, but you don't care because going to grocery shopping gives you more of an adrenaline rush than clothes shopping ever will.

2. Overwhelmed

You walk into the store and suddenly forget everything on your list. You've finally reached foodie heaven but don't know where to begin. Your senses are overwhelmed, and for true foodies, your heart might be beating faster than normal. The two of you look at each other in awe and and rush over to the first aisle. The options of snacks, candy, produce and frozen foods are endless and can make grocery shopping a huge task, but once you get to talking and rereading your list, you come back to reality.

3. Confident

You've been grocery shopping for awhile and the confidence has sunk in. You guys are crossing items off your list, while also throwing new products into your shopping carts. You've tried the sample and maybe even grabbed a box to whip up at home. The two of you got this in the bag. In this case, your reusable eco-friendly one.

4. Sad

Your carts are overflowing and you've circled the store about a dozen times. The trip has finally come to an end and the two of you are devastated. You drag yourselves over to the cash register, probably with a stack of coupons, to ring up your purchases. Seeing the total doesn't help matters, and suddenly your credit card is just as sad as you are. You make your way to the car and fill up the trunk until it can barely close, so at least you know it's been a successful trip.

5. Proud

The two of you return home, satisfied with your purchases, and realize how proud you are of each other for finding the best deals and the most delicious foods. You might even cook up some of the things you got for dinner, and sink into the couch to unwind after your emotional roller coaster ride of a day. But don't worry, once you see those food commercials on TV and find mouthwatering recipes online, you'll already be mentally planning your next trip to the grocery store.