
Tell Us Your Favorite Animated Disney Movie, and We’ll Tell You What Ice Cream to Eat

When all you want to do is curl up with some ice cream and and watch a movie, any classic Disney movie will do. Between the storytelling and the animation, they’re all winners. Most of the time, it’s actually harder to choose an ice cream flavor than the flick. So, pick your favorite animated Disney movie and find out which flavor you should dig your spoon into.

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarves"—Apple Pie Ice Cream

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" basically revolves around the premise of eating a poisoned apple and the princess being rescued by her Prince Charming. As the apple is the main part of the plot of the movie, eating ice cream with a (non-poisoned) apple in it would make the most sense. Apple pie ice cream combines an American favorite dessert with the classic Disney fairytale for the sweetest ice cream pairing. 

#SpoonTip: Try Edy's Washinton Apple Pie Ice Cream for the apple cinnamon concoction you've always wanted. 

"Sleeping Beauty"—Vanilla

"Sleeping Beauty" is the original storybook princess story. With its pretty basic concept and storyline, it makes sense for an original flavor pairing with it as well. What is sweeter than a delicious (basic) scoop of vanilla? Dress it up with toppings if you are feeling extra sweet. 


Cinderella rides in her magic pumpkin carriage to meet Prince Charming at the ball. Eat the savory, spicy, sweet treat to complement your fairytale dreams. 

"Pocahontas"—Moose Tracks

With its outdoorsy vibe and her relationship with animals, "Pocahontas" matches perfectly with an animal related ice cream flavor. Moose tracks provides the variety of flavor that comes with the variety of nature. 

"Tangled"—Cake Batter

All Rapunzel wants for her birthday is to see the lanterns in person on her birthday. With a birthday comes birthday cake, translated into ice cream, it's cake batter. With its sweet and doughy flavor, it is reminiscent of a birthday and a big celebration. 

"Mulan"—Cherry Blossom

In Mulan's culture, the cherry blossom signifies beauty and peace, which is what "Mulan" as a movie teaches us: to find beauty through peace and to be proud of who you are. With its sweet flavor and bright pink color, cherry blossom is a must when watching "Mulan." 

#SpoonTip: Here's how to make your own cherry blossom ice cream.

"Lilo and Stitch"—Mint Chip

If you've seen "Lilo and Stitch," you'll know what I'm talking about here. The one man who is always eating the mint chip ice cream and it falls off the cone. Mint chip is the perfect chilled treat to watch your favorite Hawaiian classic. Just don't let your scoop fall out of the cone!

"Lion King"—Mudslide

The chocolately decadence of mudslide ice cream is the perfect pairing for the "Lion King." Not only will the chocolate help you through some of the more emotional scenes (cause chocolate solves all), but the mix of it all brings you along the ups and downs of this favorite.

"Beauty and the Beast"—Rose

If you've never had rose ice cream, its definitely one to try. With its subtle sweet flavor, its always a delicious scoop. The rose is the central part of "Beauty and the Beast" so why not choose a flavor that aligns with the central plot point of this Disney classic. 

#SpoonTip: Learn how to make your own rose ice cream flavor. 


Moana's island and tropical vibes bring forth the need for a tropical and island-themed ice cream flavor. What better than a coconut ice cream to make you feel like you're living the island life?


"Frozen" brought a winter over the town, and with winter and Christmas comes the peppermint flavor. There is nothing more reminiscent of Christmas than peppermint candy canes. Not to mention, mint flavoring can give off a cooling effect faster than Elsa can cause a snow storm. 

"The Little Mermaid"—Cotton Candy

"The Little Mermaid" brings forth the whimsical and nostalgic feeling that comes with the sweet ice cream flavor of cotton candy. If you love the fairytale magic of the mermaid sing-along, cotton candy is the flavor pairing for you. 

"Hercules"—Rocky Road

If there is any hero that has been on more of a rocky road than Hercules, let me know. He trains to become an amazing hero through a series of demanding tasks. No ice cream flavor signifies his journey more than rocky road. 

"Finding Nemo"—Phish Food

I'm just gonna leave this one right here...

But seriously, fish combined with ice cream would probably be gross. However, fish-shaped chocolate is great, as demonstrated in Ben & Jerry's Phish Food ice cream pint. 

"The Incredibles"—Coffee

"The Incredibles" is one of the most action packed movies and nothing screams action and energy more than a cup of coffee. But if you crave the flavor minus most of the caffeine that comes with a cup, coffee ice cream is the pairing for you.