
What's a Dorito Bod, and Why Does Everyone Want One?

Have you ever wanted to look like a Dorito? Didn't think so. It turns out it that it's not a bad thing to have a Dorito's actually desired. I first heard the term from a Buzzfeed Youtube video about training like a Superhero. Evan Ghang of Buzzfeed basically fawns over Chris Evans' "Dorito shaped shoulder to waist ratio". And we can't get over how true this is. 

Where It All Started

After doing some research, it turns out that the Dorito Bod originally came from Tumblr. Tumblr is where the tag #heart of gold and shoulder waist ratio of a Dorito was created and naturally, the internet freaked out. So, a Dorito body is basically when your shoulders are huge and your waist is small, giving your upper body the shape of a Dorito, #hot.


I think not. The snack brand had a little marketing scheme up its sleeve. Doritos featured Captain America on a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos, which is not only genius, but funny AF. 

Did This Get Back To Chris Evans? 

Of course. MTV wasn't going let Evans live this one down. The interviewer pulls out a bag of Doritos, and this moment was born. Here you have Chris Evans, "The Human Dorito" eating Doritos from a bag of Doritos that he's on. What more could you ask for? And just so that you know—Cool Ranch is Chris Evans' favorite flavor.

This fad didn't just end with The Avengers. It continued and people still use the term today. With spring break coming up, lots of guys are Tweeting about working on their Dorito bods. So I guess ridiculous beauty standards aren't just limited to women #Gains #DoritoBod.